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The next day my mom drops me off at school for morning practice and I head to the gym. When I get there I only see Coach Smith and Princess. "Where is everyone else? I know I did not just come here for nothing."

"I know right." For once Princess agrees with me.

"Aurora and Princess you to are the captains of the volleyball team and needs to learn how to get along together. If y'all can not do that both of y'all with be of the volleyball team. Any questions." It was silent then Coach Smith says "You two will be playing beach volleyball tournament tomorrow. Aurora you already know the rules of beach volleyball and you will help Princess this morning and this afternoon. Then you will wake up early, yes on a Saturday and practice before your first game. Also I talk to both of your parents and they said it okay. Do both of y'all understand?"

Both of us responded and say "yes"

Once practice is over and I freshen up I head to homeroom. One the way there I stop and my locker and see Caleb. I told Caleb about what happened this morning and he decides to say " I'm definitely going and you better come in first place to."

"Yeah and if I don't."

"Hopefully we don't know now right?"

"Right." I start smiling a little.

I saw Zoey in the hallway and caught up to her. "Aurora."
"Umm you are blushing."
"No I'm not." I can't be like like Chidi what if I'm wrong.
"Look at my phone." Zoey has pulled up her camera on her phone. Oh my gosh I really am blushing. I guess I really do like Caleb. I mean I always did since like 6th grade but I told him once and he didn't like me back. " Aurora did you talk to Caleb."

" Maybe."

"Girl you face literally says it all. We are talking about this in Social Studies."

"Dumbass we sit next to him he can hear the conversation. Today is Friday we have French together. Let's talk then." Zoey and I head are separate ways to homeroom.

Like always I take my phone out a see a message from Zoey
Bestie⚡️🤍💛: I think I'm going to ask Caleb if he likes you.
Me: Zoey you better not do that I swear if you do we are going to fight and your not coming by my house for a whole month.
Bestie:⚡️🤍💛: Girl 6th grade was two years ago so you never know her probably might like you plus the dude didn't even seem like a person who dated ppl he was weird not gonna lie also it seems like his was flirting with you.
Me: Girl I'm so done with you bye ✌🏼

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