What to do?

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Last night I was up panicking, worrying about what Princess said. Why was her relationship private,
and why did they breakup. Was he flirting with me while they were dating too? I then text Zoe and told what happened. She responded by saying meet by her locker.

"Hey. How are you with everything?" Zoe ask when I am close by her locker.

"I'm okay let's sit though Zo, these crutches are literally killing me. How much time we have before first bell ring?"


"Okay good."

"Aurora Torres. Can't keep nobody for more than week."

"Zoe Miller have the same crush on someone for a year." I respond louder than her.

"Shut up Aurora. Don't think because you are injured I won't still be mean to you."

"Whatever," I respond rolling my eyes.

"On a serious note though Celeb and Princess. Rora what's the plan?"

"I don't know at all , we need to find all the detailed first." Then Jefferson, one of Celeb's friends walk by, and I say," Yo Jefferson, so like what happened with Celeb and Princess?"

"You don't know do you. I'll tell you anyways cause me we cool I guess. Princess and Celeb was a horrific relationship. Celeb cheat on her more than once and when she found out she stayed. The only reason they broke up was because she knew Celeb had a crush on you and she did not like it at all."

"Umm okay Jefferson." I am literally speech less no more words come from my mouth.

"Aurora hey Rora." Zoey called me. I try to speak but no words came out. I then fell a I tear roll down my face as I don't know how to take that. When Zoe notices she comes and hugs me and then say "Let's be real, he walk like a duck. That is just not really nice or cute. So he is not worth crying over."

I laugh slightly " Yeah, I guess so. So what happens now."

"Break up with him."

"But Zoey."  I think get cut off.

"You have until 11:59 pm or I'm telling your Mom no if,What's or buts. Okay?"

" Yeah okay."

I head to first, second, then third period. When I get to third period Zoey comes in before Celeb, who sits on the side of me. When Zoey is closer by me I ask, "What should I do when Celeb walks in. Should I tell him I want to break up or should I wait?"

"I mean you got less than five minutes to do it before the bell rings so your choice."

" Thank you so much Zoey that was amazing advice. Like the best ever!" I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Aurora shut up, I can literally take one of your crutches."

"Be my guess take both of them they hurt anyway."

" Yeah but wait until I tell you mom that you were walking without your crutches."

"Girl my mother wouldn't even care. She would probably be like that's on me, and I have to suffer the consequences." I stop talking soon as Celeb sit in his seat on the other side of me. "He- "  I try to speak to Celeb before getting interrupted by the bell ringing.

Once class is over it's lunch. While in the Lunch room Celeb stops me right before my table and says, "You should sit at my table."

Automatically I say "No, I rather sit by my lunch group."

I turn around and before taking any steps until I hear, "Hey how about I come and sit by you."

"You don't have to do that, trust me." I tried to insure him the nicest way to tell him no.

After  I guess he thought about what I say, loudly he says, "Are you avoiding me or something? You don't want to sit by me and you didn't talk to me in class."

"I can not right know." I mumble then I say loud enough for Celeb to hear, No I'm not."

"Okay then sit with me at lunch."


"Why not Aurora why?" Celeb says still speaking loud enough for many people to hear.

"Because I don't want to okay end of story." The cafeteria is now completely silent and everyone was look are direction. Once I notice I walk to the lunch table where I sit with my lunch group.

Zoe who is sitting next to me says quietly " You are avoiding him and you know it."

"Okay smart ass what should I do then ?"

"Well I don't know maybe, dumb ass don't avoid him you make it seem like you want to break up with him. So if you want it to happen faster keeping avoiding, but if you want to be nice stop avoiding him."


Zoey stares at me for a quick second and then reply, "Sit at the stupid lunch table."

"No Zo."

"Aurora" Zoey beings mumble under her teeth, "Just sit at the stupid table."

"Hold on let me think about that. Yeah no." I gave a big huge smile to ZoZo.

"You know what Rory that's on you have fun."

"I will with my lunch group. At out lunch table."

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