1st place bound

23 1 0

Once the ref calls the time out Coach Smith comes on the court and my mom does to. I have a few tears coming out but not a lot, "Aurora can you move your ankle!" Coach Smith ask.

"Yeah kind of it hurts a little I can still play on it though."

"Aurora you playing on it can make it worse, your not playing that game okay."

"Wait no please. Coach Smith no I'm sorry for everything and for being rude yesterday but please I can still play I just need some tape and can dig and hit just not jump. I can just do a regular floating server and have it on the line."

"What if the are able to send it back over?"

"I can dig it and hit it without jumping or I can just set or Princess can just block the ball."

Coach Smith looks at my mom and my tells to get the tape. Yasmine does and my mom wraps my ankle. "I'm staying on the side line." She tells me.

The game starts again I'm not in a little pain I'm in a whole lot but I really want to play. I serve the ball and it hits the line. The score is 20-21 if the opposing team makes the next point makes the next point we switch side and go. I sever again to the line the other team is able to send the ball back over I dig it without much movement. Princess sets it and I was a to have a kill by jumping and that was game. I landed on right foot falling on my ass to try to stop my self from landing on my left. Once the ref calls game my mom and Coach Smith rushes over and helos me up. Then starts walking over to the medical tent my dad comes and replaces Coach Smith while walking. The person said that I most likely have a inversion sprain and probably should go to the hospital to get it look at. The person wrap my ankle with ice. While walking back I see Princess and Caleb talking as I get to closer over there I go by Zoey and Yasmine.

"Hey are you okay?" Zoey ask worrying about me.

"Kinda my ankle hurts like really bad the the person in the medical tent says it's sprain I should go to the hospital after this."

"Okay good. Aurora don't take this selfish but will you come and join the team. Please"

"I can play then sure why not."

"Girllll don't play with me are your better be serious."

"Zoey I will be at practice on Monday and might try to play."

"Your not playing and I will make sure of that because I still need you for beach in July and club in November."

"Okay Yasmine thanks for that."

"Aurora we are going to catch up with you latter because you have a visitor."

I turn around soon as Zoey says that and see Caleb "Hey Aurora how are you doing."

"Lots of pain and I have to go to the hospital after this but other than that I didn't lose."

"I could have told you that except for the part without the ankle."

"Yeah sure."

"Umm Aurora"

"Here it comes" I hear Zoey in the background saying in a low voice.

"I know I'm might be two years late but I like you a lot and for a while and I'm hoping you do to and would want to be my girlfriend."

I look and see Princess like mad or something then say " I like you to Celeb but I need you to be asking me this because you really like me not because I'm injured and just won I beach volleyball tournament."

" I am asking you because I really like you and apparently Alex and Zoey said I should just do it right now."

"I am going to kill Zoey!" I said turning around looking at her. I turn back and then look Celeb in his eye and say "I will be your girlfriend" and smiled a little.

"Princess and Aurora come take your photos" I hear before either me or Celeb could say another word.

"Hey Celeb talk later."

"Like always Rora."

"Okay 1. 2. 3. smile the photographer" says. "Parents can y'all come join in the photo. Okay, 1. 2. 3. smile he says again.

Once the photographer finish taking photos I go limping by Coach Smith. "Aurora take it easy." She says.

"Umm Coach Smith I'm sorry about what happened yesterday and the rude comment I made. I will like to apologize to you and ask your may I please be on the volleyball team and play when my injury is over."

"Can you go in to deep about what you would like to apologize for."

"That I was supper stubborn and also being rude to you."


"And I don't know."

"You did it today at game point."

"Oh sorry for jumping to hit the ball even though I wasn't supposed to hit it."

"Now volleyball teams you can be back on the team but being captain your team mates have to decide that. If you can make it don't  force yourself or anyone come to practice but your not playing."




"I mean it no playing at all."

"Okay okay I won't."

My mom then calls me over so we can go to the hospital.

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