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Later on that night my mom brought me home. She left to go finish work like always. I still had the bag of weed in my backpack that I took back. Once my mom was gone  it was me and my G-ma. My G-ma was down stairs cooking some dinner for me unaware of what happened earlier that afternoon, which I am very thankful for because she would have beat my ass big time. Even though I knew that I open my window and sat sort of on the roof I guess you can say that was right in front of my window. It was hard at first stepping up with the heavy cast on my leg.

With everything I just-. I don't know. I just want to be alone. I started smoking the weed forgetting about everyone, and the stupid mission that everyone want me to be a part of. The sun is currently setting and it is a vey nice view. I stayed on the roof smoking for about 15 minutes; atlest I think. That was the last thing I remember until I woke up the next day on the floor by my bed with a knife on the ground and cuts on my arm. Suddenly then I began to fell supper sick and rush to the bathroom to throw up.

My mom must have heard me and decided to stand at the door frame with her arms flooed. She then looks at me and say " You took the weed and smoked it last night didn't you." Should I tell her the truth or should I lie. I might get away with the lie though. The sound of my mom saying "Aurora Niyah answer me now." distract me. In a fast responds I say " Yeah I did and what about it." My mom just stares at me then grabs me by my arm, luckily not the one that has cuts on it. My mom continues to drag me by my arm until we go and sit on the couch. We sit there in silence for a minute until she says "Aurora talk now before I kick you out this house ."

Before I respond I make sure the arm with cuts on it is not noticeable to her."About what your never home you are always at work or doing a case. Same for Dad but i see him a lot less and you never let me stay by him. So what is there to talk about to a person who is never home and all she cares about is me doing a stupid undercover mission that I have no choice what to do. You don't care about because if you did I would not be like this!" I yelled then automatically regretted it.

"Aurora you don't think I care about you. Up until this point you where not punished for using a gottdam drug. And your father he was never there from the be-."

My mom then gets interrupted by me saying "But he trying know and you won't let him."

"Aurora if you want more time with him fine okay but he works more than me."

"It's more times then I see him before. For you I see you a lot less. When you did training class you were always home at 6:30, but know who knows when you get home. Everything is just so stress full and I can't. Nobody once stop and ask Aurora how are you or are you okay."

"Aurora how are you doing?"

"Wow so know you are asking out of pity."  Geez I have a really bad headache and still fill like I'm going to throw up. My mom then started yelling at me and I have no i idea what she said. All I know was after she was done I said, " Can you please stop yelling I have like a headache."

"Yeah and I wonder why. Maybe it had something to do with yesterday. I should make you come to work with me because of what you did." I could see how disappointed my mom was in me.

I get up from off the couch to limp to the bathroom to once again throw up. While in the bathroom everything was spinning out of control. I tried as best as I could to get a whole of myself and wrap the cuts from my arm with the white bandage.

"Aurora get your stuff your coming with me to work."

"What, why?"

"Obviously I can not trust you to be by your self, so therefore you are coming with me. Now go get your stuff please before Gibbs ask why are I'm late." I grab my jacket to wear to cover up my cuts.

Once at NCIS I try as best as I could with two crutches and a hurt ankle to go to Abby's lab, the fastest I could. That did happened though. While I was attempting my plan my mom says "Aurora with me!" She then gives my that stare that wishes you will disobey.

I go back over to the area in the bright orange bull pen where my mom desk is. I notice my dad walk over to my dad and say "Quinn what the hell is Aurora doing here and why do I have no idea about this."

For what ever reason my felt the reason to tell him "Not here, not now." Why would she say that. Is she trying to protect me or is she trying to hide something from me.

My dad must have been tried of my mom always keeping him out of things because he told her "Then when Quinn two years from now?"

I notice them two walk away, after about maybe nine minutes Gibbs come in the bullpen and walks super fast then turns around. "Rory what are you doing here?"

Before I had a chance to even try to say a single word my mom comes in a says " Well Rory here thought it would be a good idea to smoke some weed."

Gibbs then gives me that stare. The same stare I have been seeing from everyone lately: the I'm so disappointed in you stare. Gibbs once again ask the same question "Rory! What are you doing here?" Only this time he emphasis my name to make sure that me and only I answers he question he impatiently wait for an answer for.

"Well see I I maybe just so happed I smoke weed last night while my mom wasn't home."

"And how did she find out?"

"That I don't know."

Before Gibbs can say another word to me he gets a call from his work phone he picks it up then drops it and say "Grab you gear. And Aurora we aren't done."

Next thing I know my mom comes behind me and say " I swear if you step foot out of the bullpen I will hurt you."

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