Chapter 3-updated

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AP science oh how I love and hate you. I would like it even more if Mrs.Swan could control her class but she can't and I don't know how she is a AP teacher but whatever attest I have class with most of my friends.

Just before I walk in I get a text from my mom and she sends it in a group chat that my dad is in. Great now they are co-parenting I guess. 'Aurora I just got a call from the principal and Ms.Riley, you really called you teacher a dickrider. I know you don't like her but that is going way to far we are talking later. And do not go home go to the base. STRAIGHT THERE.'

"Oh fuck me I say under my breath."Honestly I was high right now and hoping this was just an effect of the high and I was just seeing things but I guess not huh? Honestly I don't even know what's real and fake anymore like my parents relationship.

   "Ok class let's start with are notes now." Ms.Swan announced to the class.

As Zoey and I are walking to seats we try to support each other. Bad idea because we both wind up on the floor Morales and Caleb come to help us off the floor and bring us to our seats as Ms.Swan side eye us.

During the lesson nobody really is paying attention and I write Zoey and not yelling her what my mom text me and she wrote back "Oh no shit you in big trouble. Guess your saying by by to Ethan's party."

I wrote back "We are still going might just have to be a little later or hope she gets a call to work."

"What if you ask to spend that night by your dad?"

"She would definitely call him only way is too sneak out. Wait though sneaking out from my dad house would probably be easier though we have to talk talks like with mouths to plan this out." I finished writing then handed the letter to Zoey.

"Aurora" I hear somebody call my name not quite sure who so I turn around looking.

And I see Kayla. I giggle a little and wave "Hey Kayla, what's up?"

"Do you know the answer on the board?" she points to the board right in front.

"Umm," right now this bitch was blind a fuck and could barley see. However I was mostly in my right state of mind. I squinted my eyes and read "Umm I think A should be the right answer."

"Okay thank you so much." Kayla responded. Well let's hope that's answers right if not oh well then I guess.

"Ms."Ms.Swan looks around seeing who is not paying attention to ask to answer her question on the board. She is not secretive about it at all because by the time she picked on someone the whole class basically had the answer. "Ms. Kayla what is the answer?"

"Is it A?"

"Nope that incorrect Princess why don't you answer for that class."

"The Answer is D, Ms.Swan"

Princess, who the fuck names there child Princess like be for real. Anyways that girl pisses my off and I hate her with my guts. She is such a suck up and teachers pet especially in this class.I guess you can say there has always been a rival between us considering we are supposedly both in the running for validation but honestly I would care but because it's tie between me and her I care. I am also far more social than her because now that I think about it I never see her at a party or eating lunch with people. ( Just imagine this character I can't really think of a person to play this.)

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