Maybe it is the end

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Zoey catches up to me. "Hey I need to stop at my locker before we leave to get my clothes."

"Okay cool," we walk to Zoey's locker which is not far from the gym doors.

"Aurora were you really serious about quitting the team?"

"Well no but yes. Did you hear the conversation between me and Coach."


"Okay well you heard that part when she said I was stubborn and you know that part is true. So that stubborn side of me is hoping that hopefully me and Princess and win the beach volleyball tournament game and she asks me to be on the team. Even though now that I think about she might be more stubborn than me. The reason why I said I was done because Princess was really blowing up."

"Your mom is not gonna like the way you just quit. Like at all."

"Honestly if I tell her the reason why I quote she will literally kill me then bring me back to life and tell me to apologize." Since we are not far from the gym I see when Princess walks out the gym and just stares. "Princess do you have a problem or something." I say.

"Nope just excited because I am the captain of the volleyball team now. Since you know you quit."

" Look you may be captain but just remember you only got it because I left, you will always be number 2 and not number 1."

Coach Smith must have heard us and said " Princess go."

When Princess walks always a walk over by Coach Smith and says " You just gave Princess my spot of being captain."

"Well Aurora you quit the team and you out of all people should know there needs to be a captain. Unless you would like to ask to come back on the team and maybe I will consider."

"Nope I'm fine I will see you tomorrow." Once more Zoey in a awkward situation walk with me to my moms car.

"Hey mama" I say getting into her car in the front while Zoey gets in the back.

"Hello Zoey."

"Hey Ms.Quinn"

"Aurora read that" My mom hands me head phone and on there is a conversation between her and Coach Smith looks like from a few minutes ago and it says

Coach Smith: With 10 minutes left in practice Aurora left and said she quites the volleyball and still would come and play on Saturday. Please tell Aurora that I will always have a spot on the team for her but not always a chance for her to be captain. Aurora has until Monday after to ask to be on the team and earn captain again and she has until next Friday to be on the team.

Mom: Okay thank you I will take to Aurora and we will be at the tournament tomorrow.

After I read the message I turn around a look at Zoey and gives her a face in a way that  I guess she figured out what I was reading.

Around a hour later I received a message from Yasmine


Me: Ok first yes second you using my whole name dang for the whole world to see. Oh and also before you say anything No❤️ I will NOT be joining back THE END.

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