Football game

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Later on the bus brought us back to the school where we celebrated are undefeated being 6-0. For about 5 minutes before everyone started leaving one by one. Until it was just Me, Zoey, Iris, and Coach Smith. The four of us walked over to watch the last part of the flag football game. The boys were losing terribly, Chidi was on the bench and Iris twin brother was on the field. Coach Smith walk by the other coaches on the field, while me, Zoey and Iris went to go sit by Skyla and April. I look at my phone and see a text from Caleb.

Caleb: Hey I didn't know you were coming to the football game
Me: I didn't know you were coming either and I just came from a vb game
Caleb: Oh you wanna come sit by me
Me: Yeah where you at?????
Caleb: Turn around

I turn around and see Caleb by Alex. "Hey Zo I'm about to go sit by Caleb."

"Oh Rory about to go sit by Caleb. You sure y'all not dating."

"Zoey I'm sure now see you latter girl." I said as I walk up the stairs to go sit by Caleb. "Hey" I said smiling at Caleb.

"Hey, did ya'll when the volleyball game?"

"Yeah we did."

"Caleb it's your turn to get snacks from the concession stand." Alex said interrupting me.

"Oh yeah I forgot"

"Caleb can you get me-"

"Sour patch kids and a Sprite." Caleb said cutting me off.

"Yeah, Thanks."

When Caleb walks off Alex comes by me and says " I know you like Caleb and I know he likes you."

"Alex what I never said. Did Caleb even said that either though?"

"No but I know both of you guys since the 1st grade. Plus Caleb is my best friend." Was Alex right though I like Caleb you know but I also like Chidi. I have know Caleb for a very long time and Chidi just a few weeks. If I had to choose though I would choose Caleb. So do I like Caleb or Chidi?

"Here is your food Rora." Caleb hands me my Sour patch kids and Sprite.

"Thanks and here is the five dollars it cost."

"Just give me two."

"You sure?"


"Okay here."

When the football games is over I meet back up with Zoey, Iris, Skyla, and Apirl.

"Umm Ms.Rora ma'am I thought you didn't have enough money for food, but you have food in your hand.

"Umm Ms.Iris, I said I didn't have enough money for both me and you and second I didn't buy this. Caleb did."

Zoey being Zoey head what I said and said "Aurora Quinn-Torres are you blushing after what you just said."

"No I'm not blushing and I don't blush. End of story." I walk off and go by Coach Smith.

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