Post game

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Coach Smith has a daughter Yasmine who is in 10th grade and is like a sister to me. She also has a son Crush who is in 6th grade and is on the football team. While me, Coach Smith, and Yasmine wait on Crush to get his stuff I start talking to Yasmine. "Yasmine you remember Princess? She was like in 6th grade when you were her."
"Yeah I remember her why?"
"Well, she is the co-captain and she is also more annoying than when you were captain."
"Yikes I feel so bad for you. That sucks big time."
"Yeah it does; I wish the girl would not play volleyball. I know it sounds mean but she is so aggravating."
"Who are you talking about?" Coach Smith said barging into the conversation.
"Princess," both Yasmine and I responded back.
"Aurora you are the captain and she is the co-captain y'all need to get along. And Yasmine stop encouraging her please."
Me and Yasmine started talking again. "Yasmine I forgot to tell you I almost was about to get in a fight with that girl."
"Rora!" Coach Smith says in one of those voices.
"If you would have gotten in a fight with Princess both of y'all would be benched and not be captains anymore. Do you want that to happen?"
" No ma'am."
"That's why I told you to move to the back of the bus." Latter on Coach Smith dropped me off at my house. Before she left though she said "Practice tomorrow morning; come on time."
"I thought the deal was that if we when the game we don't have practice the next day."
"Come tomorrow morning tell your mom to text me if you need a ride."
"Yeah okay I will good night."
"Good night."

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