Chapter 4-updated

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"Ring, Ring."

Finally the school day is over and I'm done I can go to practice then hopefully go to Morales party.

While Zoey and I are walking to the girl locker to change for volleyball practice, we run across Morales, who was about to go home.

"Hey, are  y'all still coming to the party right?" Morales ask.

"Yeah will be there." I shouted back since he was almost at the other end of the hall.

"Okay cool, see y'all then." He thens walks out the door as Zoey and I walk the other direction.

Zoey and I are finally in the locker room and she nudge me a little saying "Can I get a ride to the party or what?"

"Don't see why not, if i'm punish we will just say we have a group project and will go by your house and spend the night."

"Sounds good to me." Zoey says back.

While changing Zoey turns to me and say "So are you and Morales going to hook up at the party or is this just a friendly invite."

"Hook up I hope maybe he will ask me out too."

Zoey pushed me slightly "Your one crazy girl Aurora Maya." I just roll my eyes in response.

Suddenly there is a knock on one of the lockers nearby. "knock knock." A voice follows the sound.

Zoey and I turn around to see Blair and we both run up to her.

"We though you were busy away in college." Zoey said what both her and I were thinking.

"I was but I'm also an hour away so I can come home any time I want basically."

"Omg you won't believe what happened today." Zoey said to Blair.

"What did you do Aurora?" Blair looks dead at me.

"Why do you always think I had something to do with it." I say trying to defend myself.

"Because you always do and my mom told me you got 2 detentions today and Zoey you also got one."

"Yeah well did you hear I got a new car." I tell Blair smiling.

Blair just looks at me then Zoey looking for a confirmation or something. Zoey just says "Yeah she's telling the truth."

"I thought your mom said she would buy you a use car only."

"Think my dad brought it not her."

"Did she say that though?" Blair ask.

Then we're interrupted by Havean a freshmen on the volleyball team "coach is calling for everyone."

"Thanks." Blair, Zoey and I all said at the same time.

While walking out the locker room Zoey and I are pulled to the side by Coach Smith. " Look I know both of you girl and y'all are 2 trouble makes. That going forward I don't want to have to seat either of you girls out. You both are good players act like it."

Before Zoey and I are able to walk away and join the team Coach Smith tells us "I also new 3 laps around the gym for you both getting a detention."

"What that's not fair. No offense Aurora but she got 2 and I got 1 why do we have to run the same amount."

Coach smith sighs and says "Fine, Aurora you run 6 Zoey 3."

Before we start to run I mouth to Zoey "I'm going to hurt you."

After practice Zoey,Blair and I walk to my new car.
"Aurora this is nice, and you have leather seat. Your dad did you good."

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