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A/N Heads up I try to type Spanish sorry if it's wrong, which it probably is. I used google. So sorry

"Look Alex, she told me she got it because of losing Ziva. I don't know what else you want me to do."

"Nick for gosh sakes just trust me, that is not the reason. I know Aurora you don't."

" Maybe I would know her if you will let her stay over by my house for more than two hours."

 I guess my Dad's responds to my mom made her think about how she must have really hurt him. "Nick I didn't mean like that I'm sorry."

My father must have walked away when my mom said that. I got from by the door and then sat down back at the integration table walking on my sprain ankle. My mom then opens the door and then sits.

"Listen to me,  I am interrogating you so cut the bullshit. I know you better than you think. Why did you get this?" She throws bag on the table.

I knew that cameras were off and no one was watching so I played along with my mothers games. " Fine. I will tell you the real reason but first I want the cameras off." She play along and acts like someone is back there. 

She gives the motion to turn the cameras off. "Okay, the camera is off start talking know."

"Okay what I tell you, you can not tell anyone!" I emphasized. " I got it because I liked this boy and he like me too."

My mom then pause me, "Aurora what the hell does this have to do with drugs ."

"Mom it just does believe me. This is the real reason like you wanted."

"Whatever, just continue Aurora."

I continue and tell her everything. " Okay and you thought that weed will help you forget about him for a while; Is that correct?"

"Umm yeah I did. That's why I got it."

"Does Zoey know?"

"About which part?"

"The weed?"

"Oh of course not."

My mom then reaches in her green jacket pocket and hands me my phone. "Here, break up with him."

"Over text or call him?"

" I don't care Aurora just do it now for gosh sake do it now." Shortly my mom  revives a phone call and answer it. And I decided just out of stubbornness I wasn't going to break up with Caleb. "Yeah it's Quinn. Are you sure? Okay Gibbs I will be on it." Once more my mom reaches in her jacket pocket but this time she pulls out a flash card and a pin. She tears the flash card, she slides the pen and the ripe flash card over to me. "The boy who your dating write his first and last name down on this paper."


"Just do it, please I have had enough of you just today." I write his name then give it back to my mom. She then reaches for her phone and makes a call. "I have the name Caleb Stuart." She then walks out the interrogation room, with the heavy door closing quickly behind her.

About ten minutes later my mom returns. "Come one Aurora we are going to the conference room." We walk through the bullpen up the the conference room by the director's office. This has nothing to with the integration, right? Why would I be in the office? "Come on I don't have all day Aurora."

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