Good things sometimes come to a end but not this

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Before sitting at the lunch Chidi pulls me over and ask "Hey do you want to hang out this weekend?"

"I'm sorry I can't I already have plans maybe next weekend. Also you did good at your football game." Ahh I think I might like Chidi or maybe not I don't fucking know. "Zozo" I called Zoey over. Away from the lunch table.

"What's up."

"Chidi ask me if I wanted to hang out with him this weekend." Zoey turns her head and looks at him. "Don't look at him" I whisper.

"Girl whatever what did you say to him?"

"Umm well I told him maybe next week."

"Okay that's seems fine I guess. So what the problem."

"Zoey you do not pay attention at all Caleb or Chidi."

"Easy Caleb." She pause "Rora that's my opinion though you need to chose I can't chose for you because I'm not you okay."

"Yeah sure I guess."

After school is over I head to the gym with Zoey since we are having a sleepover tonight Zoey has to wait for me to finish practice.  Soon as I walk into the gym Princess is there and says in a rude voice, "Finally we can start practice what took you so long."

"First of all mind your business, second you acting like I'm a hour late I'm only 2 minutes. So back to the beginning mind you business because I don't have time for you bull sh-"

Coach Smith walk out of her office that's in the gym and says "Aurora Quinn-Torres do not finish that sentence. Oh Zoey good you can help."

Towards the end of the practice we play a beach volleyball game just without the sand on a bigger court. Zoey hits the ball to Right back where I am closed to. So I say "Mines." But Princess decides it would be a good idea to come from the front row of the left conner and get it. I pass the ball to where Princess is supposed to be and it hits the floor.

"Aurora what are you doing that was my ball."

I blink twice and give a sorta stare. " I have been play beach volleyball longer than and I play indoor and there are not that different. So you know what you need to do, the ball was in the deep back almost to the line and I know you seen that so that was your ball to set and not mine. So what you can do next time is get the ball that are by you and call mine."

"You three can have a five minute water break." Coach Smith says to me, Zoey and Princess.

Like the person I am I always run to go get my water bottle everyone knows I always do that to. For some reason though Princess decided to say "Aurora why are you running there is no reason to run."

"You know what I'm done I will see you tomorrow and if you so much of blame me for something that you did I'm done with this team."

I start untying  my shoes then I hear "Aurora come hear." Coach Smith calls me over. " Aurora you have a bad attitude and don't say you don't because you do you are also very stubborn you need to stop."

"Okay I might be all these things but it seem like you are always constantly being on Princess side and you make me seem like I'm the probably. Princess literally do that stupidest of things like oh the teacher said not to do that or just be a snitch. She is a teacher pet. Oh and also there is literally nothing you can do to make me stay these last 10 minutes because I'm done so I will see you tomorrow."

"Aurora Torres if you walk out those door and you and Princess don't come in the top 5 you will not be a starter for the rest of the year."

"You know what Coach Smith better yet I quit the team. I will still show up and play tomorrow but after that I'm done."

"Aurora." I walk out and Zoey in a awkward situation follows behind me.

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