Friday part 1

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Before I knew it Friday came right around. Not much changed in two days. The cuts on my arm stared to become hard to notice some what. I think. My mom still doesn't trust me and the only real punishment I have is I can't go anywhere with like friends until 2 weeks from now, but my mom is still letting me be on the volleyball team. Hey I'm not complaining though. Then there is Zoe I told Zoe that me and Caleb work it out which is parsley true but not. She may or may not be mad at me I don't know .That morning once at school I go by Caleb. "Hey are we still on for tonight?" I decide to ask soon as I see him.

"Yeah and if you don't mind dress fancy we may or may not be going to restaurant."

"Hey umm I have a volleyball game to go to so what time do you want me to go to your houses?"

"How does seven sound?"

"Good. Okay see you I have to go."

While walking I see Zoe standing by her locker. "Hey Zo."

She slams her locker and just walks away the opposite way from me. Why would she be mad. I did tell her that we worked it out.

I head to my 1st period class on a B day without Zoe.

Once I was finish and struggle with my crutches to second period, I finally see Zoe in the class. I sit down in my seat next to her and say "What was that at the locker?"

"I don't know maybe something called betraying a friend."

"How did I ever betrayed you."

"Whatever happened to your plan with breaking up with Caleb or I don't know not texting me all day that day you were absent. But you were okay enough to see Caleb at the diner."

"Okay first the earth does not revolve around you. It never did and it never will. So stop please. Second I went to the dr. and got lunch. Nothing more nothing less. I don't know what else to tell you Zo. Sorry." Not telling Zoe the truth hurrted the both of us and yet there was nothing I could do without compromising the mission. The bell then began for class and neither Zo or I talk to each other from there on. Not even at lunch.

For what ever that little fight was worth with me and Caleb in the cafeteria sitting I actually sat with his lunch table. It was supper weird just being the only girl their, but I had no other choice Zoe wanted nothing to do with me and I had to accept that. Even though have been friends for years and just like that all are memories are gone.

While sitting at the table I couldn't stop looking at the lunch table I usually sit at with my lunch group and all my friends. I just wanted to sit over there and be with the people I actually enjoyed hanging out with.

"Aurora. Hey Rora." Caleb trying to call out my attention.

"Yeah what's up?" I said to him responding back.

"Did something happen between you and Zoe?"

"Umm. No why would you ask that? You have no right to ask that question!" I don't have time for Caleb trying to fix all of my problems, epically now.

" I was just asking since I notice that you two didn't talk at all last class like yall usually do and you also came and sat by me which I would usually be happy about that bout that but not now."

"Well me and Zoe are fine like always. End of story."

"The only person you are lying to is yourself, all I know is that you and Zoey have always been friends the two inseparable friends since 1st grade. It sucks knowing that one little fight can just end a relationship that lasted that long."

Wow. Was Caleb really right. No of course not. Right? "I can prove to you Zoe and I are perfectly fine watch." I get up and I go to the table. The table where my best friend since 1st grade was sitting. The table where we made so many lifetime memories The tables where we will tell are secrets and spread the drama. The lunch table is where I wanted to be but couldn't because of one small action that could have been different. What if I never did Caleb would I be in the same problem that I am now? Or would I have my best friend with me?

Two more steps all I have to go before I am there. I take a deep breath and sit in the seat next to Zoe and Alice. Zoe is the first to say something. "Well look who finally came. What happened you didn't like to sit with your boyfriend at his little lunch table group. So instead, you came running over back."

"I actually came to talk to you but it seems like you want to be a real bitch right know. Maybe I should go back to the other table attest nobody was being such an asswhole like you." Zoe stands up and I walk away hitting her shoulder with mines.

"Hey Aurora." I turn around with my two crutches still under my armpits. "If anyone is being a ass whole it's you. Keeping secrets from you best friends. Oh and also can't forget about your boyfriend."

"Zoe. What the hell."

The cafeteria is quite. As quite as when me a Caleb argued maybe even quitter than that. "Just wanted to match the energy you know."

"Aurora and Zoe with me now!" Coach Smith calling are names in an angry voice.

While walking out the cafeteria I hear some little kid maybe a 6th grader say " Isn't Aurora captain of the volleyball team? I wonder if she will kicked off the team."

"Well if she does I hope their will be tryouts."

Walking further away from those kid I could not hear the conversation anymore. Coach Smith kept walking all the way until we were in office.

Once in there she begins to say, " You two better explain now."

Me and Zoe try to both explain at the same time about who fault it is and what happened.

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