Friday part 3

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Warring  actions of cutting skin

Once the Jv game is over both my school and the other school began warming up. While the team is warming up, I go over by Coach Smith who is filling out a rotation sheet and say "So can I play today?"

While writing on the paper  without looking up she says "Do you have a cast on your foot?"


"And are you using crutches to walk around?"


"Well, them Rory honey I think you have your answer."


I then get interrupted " You don't need to worry Janiyah will set and we will play a 5, 1 rotation instead of 4,2."

I began to walk away until I hear. " But Aurora I will make a deal with you. If in set 2 the team is up, I will sub you in for game point to serve. And to make it clear to you no jump severs. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." I walk away with a smile on my face knowing that I will at least get to contribute to my team in this game."

Before the game starts are principal with a microphone and announces "Before this game begins, I would like to recognized the 8th graders and their families." 

I really hope my parents are here but they are probably not. So I will get very embarrassed

" Princess Adams co-captain of the volleyball team." Princess walk to words the half court line where her mom meets her with a basket.

"Brianna Jones" Brianna does the same thing as Princess and meets her parents also with a basket.

Them my best friend is called "Zoe Miller" She does the same thing and meets with her mom and her brother.

Then my name is called "Last but not least Aurora Quinn-Torres are captain No to my suspires I don't see neither of my parent but Coach Smith does come by me and hands me a basket.

"I believe this is for," you Coach Smith says with a smile. Then she says "I will hold on to it though because you can't hold it.

Everyone gets close together and takes a group photo, then Coach C joins. Then parents leave and we take a photo just with the kids and coaches.

Finally, the game begins after about 15 minutes the score is 19-10 in the first set. The student section is very loud and so are the cheerleaders.

Like promised at game point Coach Smith subs me out for Iris and I sever with an ace. The reef cause game and now the varsity team is 8-0. In the group huddle after the game with both a Jv and Varsity team Coach Smtih and Coach C suggest that everyone goes out for dinner for sucess over are big win.

While walking  towards the locker room door I see Calab and say "Hey if you don't mind can we have a rain check on tonight?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Are you sure I don't want you parents to think anything of me."

"I'm sure they will understand they are right there." Caleb points at a family and waves.

Zoey and I carpool with Coach Smith and Yasmin, to the restaurant. We sit at a big table with the 6 and 5 graders. We sit around laugh and eat.

After our celebrator dinner Coach Smith brings me home at around 10:30. My G-Ma opens the door and I walk in. I then see my mom sitting on the couch, I began walking towards her.

"So what happened today."

"Hello to you too Aurora."

"Momma today was the 8th grade game and at lest one parent from each child came. It was embarrassing when my name was called and I had to walk with both of my crutches just for Coach Smith to be like my parent. I appreciate that she did that but would have rather at least one of my got dam parents!"

My eyes start to get watery I could fill it. "So mom where were you this time? Huh in the middle of a hostage case because you were sure able to respond fast when I told you plans with Caleb were canceled."

" Aurora! I did have a case and some paper work I needed to finish."

" Of course because it's always a case or paper work!"

I then began to mumble "And yet you wonder why I smoked that weed."

"Aurora Niyah!"

"Alexandra Ann Marie!"

"Aurora I done with your crap room now!" And with that she points upstairs with a face red.

I limp yes limp up the stairs with my stupid ankle but then I stopped when I heard " Ann Maire I don't know what to do with Aurora. It's a well paying job but like she said I barley spend time with her or see her."

"Have you ever thought maybe you takes Nick offer and she switches houses every week. You know that is what's best and you can't keep pushing Nick away. You tried when you were pregnant with her and you didn't tell him he had a daughter until she was was 18 months old. Then after that you stilled tried to push him away. If you two split the time with Aurora you can get as much work done when Aurora is gone so then you can spend time with her. Yall can also split the prices for things. You know it's best mentally and money wise."

I hear my mom take and deep breath and say " Yeah I guess so. I wonder if I can send her over now because she is working on my nerves."

"Yeah good luck with that Alex."

Before I could get up and finish walking up the stairs, somebody sees me. It's my G-ma. "How much did you hear."

"Enough to know that my mom keeps secrets from the people she loves." And with that I slowly walk up stairs.

Once in my room I deiced to go take a bath but before I do I go in my old convers shoe box and take out the knife I had the other day. I run my bath water and sit on the bathroom floor. While waiting I just think about everything and how my life is such a fucking mess.

Once the water is done I get in sticking my leg with the cast out then with the same arm I already have cuts on I began to cut again. Slowly but deeper and deeper each time I made about 3 new cuts until I head a knock at my door which then I stopped and put the knife under the rug.

"Aurora you in there."

"Yeah what do you want." I said responding back to my mom, with the warm blood bleeding done my arm.

"Aurora look, I know things have been a little hard considering my new job, your dad coming back and Ziva death. You have no right though to go out just be out right disrespectfully to me or anyone. You are probaly just rolling your eyes at me behind this door. And don't say your not because your a lot like me. The truth is that G-ma well today she was diagnosed with dementia. I didn't want to tell and I didn't want to believe it myself. So with that Aurora I done with this job of being a field agent. I'm going to spend more time with you and G-ma I promise."

Those were the last words I heard come out of my mother's mouth or let alone anyone.

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