Sunday funday

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On the next day Sunday, I beg my mom to let me out of the house. It felt like I was in it forever and both my mom and G-ma kept treating me like a baby.

After it felt like many hours of convincing my mom, she finally like me out the house and brought me to work with her.

As soon as I get off elevator at NCIS Abby is standing right there. "Oh my gosh Aurora I heard what happened and if you need anything just let me know." The she hugs me really hard and I drop one of my crutches.

"Umm Abby my ankle."

"Oops sorry let me get that." She hands my crutch.

Gibbs must notices my mom before me and says " Quinn your back, didn't I say you don't need to come back till Monday we got this."

"Will Gibbs Rory decided that she has cabin fever after less that 24 hours of being at home. So I told her this is the only place I will take her."

Gibbs then notices me walking over with my crutches and says "Really less than 24 hours. Did the Dr. even say it was okay?"

"Well yes but no so yes."

"Go check in with Ducky and if he say you can stay you can stay. Deal?"

"Yeah sure why not."

While walking to the elevator to autopsy to see Ducky I run into Ellie. "Hey Rora you did good yesterday and I like your severs."

"Thanks were you at the game because I didn't see."

"Oh no your Dad sent me a video of you."

"Oh okay. Gibbs is making me go see Ducky because he think I should be on house rest or something."

"Oh well you know that's Gibbs always looking out especially for you." Me and Ellie then begin walking are two separate ways.

I get on the Elevator and when I get off I go into the autopsy room. Ducky and Jimmy are finishing up a body and putting it in the freezer when I walk in. Ducky turns around and say "Aurora what pleasant surprise to see you her after an injury. All though Aurora shouldn't you be home resting."

"Yeah well that's what everyone thinks and that why I'm here because Gibbs thinks I should be on bed rest."

Jimmy responds and say "Oh that's just Gibbs he just want the best for you."

"Yeah I guess."

"Aurora here sit let me look at your ankle." Ducky says. "Jimmy go get me some ice."

"Yes Doctor." Jimmy responds and go gets the ice.

"Aurora I remember when you saw your first volleyball game I think, it was the marine corp and it was in the Mtac room with director Shepherd."

"In Mtac?" I ask questionably.

"Oh yes that room has been used to watch many events."

Gibbs walks through the double doors and says "How is it Ducky?"

"I don't see any reason why Aurora can't stay here."

"And about the body."

"Oh yes."

Before Ducky says another word I say thanks and leave out to go back to the bullpen.

When I get there I see Ellie and McGhee look like there leaving out in a rush and see my dad sitting at his desk with my mom in no site. I sit at my moms desk with my left foot on the desk. Suddenly my mom starts walking towards me. When she gets close enough she says " Umm Aurora I will either need you to help me do this work or you need to move from out my desk your choice."

"Depends what are you doing?"

"Bank records."

"Mom on paper there are computers."

"Aurora help or no help."

"Whatever I'll help."

Since there is so much paper my mom spreads the paper out on the floor. Both my mother and I are now on the floor looking through the bank records. Neither of us are at the desk. At about 1pm I am hungry and go to the vending machine. When I go back into the bullpen I sit at my mother's desk again and eat. Once I'm done eating I decided to take a nap. I don't know how long I was asleep but I was awaken by my mother telling me that she is bringing me back home.

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