Part 1: Clumsy Mr. seghal

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It was not a very pleasant morning. The sky was covered with dark clouds. the wind was sighing and thrashing in the treetops and boughs moaned. Lightning flashed and thunder growled with fury.

It looked like pouring rain was not going to stop anytime soon.

Mahir sighed and closed the window.
Today, he wanted to go to the office and show his improvement in the work but the same day weather decided to betray him.

Mahir,27 years old Mahir seghal is the elder son of the business tycoon Andy seghal. he is good-looking and tall, have a mascular body.

He is hard-working but quite clumsy and underconfident. He loves to work but thinks a lot.

Not knowing what to do then, he decided to trace the path down from his room to the dining table. Where his family sat laughing and talking.

He smiled looking at them when they came into the view and before he could say a word, he tripped on the last stair making him lose his perfect balance, and fell down straight on the floor.

"Not again" Sumitra, his mother, face palmed.

"Brother, how do you always trip on the last stair? " Aajitabh , his younger brother walked towards him to help him stand.

He made him sit on the sofa carefully. While Ajitabh's wife Vishakha ran to take first aid box as this time he injured his foot as well along with his back.

"Since mom-dad picked you up from the dustbin and bought you home. I am suffering from bad luck" Mahir scowled looking at ajitabh who in turn intentionally pressed his injured foot.

"Ahhh! Mom look at him " Mahir made a puppy face at his mother which always worked.

Sumitra smacked Ajitabh's head, making Mahir smirk cockily at him.

"Dog" Ajitabh scoffed at Mahir.

"Pig" Mahir replied back .


Before ajitabh could reply back. Vishakha came back and glared at ajitabh for calling names to mahir.

Ajitabh quickly looked another side whistling slowly.
He knows vishakha does not spares anyone who tries to mess with her favourite person on earth that is mahir.

Vishakha applied spray on his injured foot.

All the while Andy was sitting looking at the exchanges, grinning.

Andy is a jolly person, loves his wife and sons.while his one son is ambivalent other is totally animated.they fight, they disagree sometimes but they also love each other very much.

Andy knows Mahir is hard working. He does the projects which are totally unbelievable. His ideas are worth it but he is way too under confident to present it to the team. So Andy had to make Ajitabh as the CEO of the company while mahir ,his Assisstant.

Ajitabh didn't liked the idea initially as he wanted to be an IPS officer but when he saw his brother struggling to explain his point of view he gave in as they can't loose the company which Andy created with so much hard work and dedication.

Mahir proposes all the ideas to ajitabh and ajitabh presents it to the front enterprises of course with giving the credit to mahir.

This is how it has been till now. Mahir tries to improve himself daily with the constant support of his family.

They are a loving family.

Ajitabh married his college time friend vishakha with his and her family's blessings. Mahir on the other hand refused to marry anyone as according to him he is not perfect and he don't want to disappoint any girl.

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