Chapter 3: Introductions

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3rd Person P.O.V.

(Steven) Who are you?

(Stephen) Stephen Fitzgerald.

(Steven) My name is Steven. Wait, how is your name spelled?

(Stephen) S-T-E-P-H-E-N.

(Steven) Oh. It's spelled different, but it's pronounced the same as Steven, S-T-E-V-E-N.

(Stephen) You look exactly like me. Minus the pink jacket and flip flops.

(Steven) You even have the same hairstyle, too. You have blue eyes, though.

(Stephen) And you have brown eyes.

(Steven) And you're a little... bulky.

(Stephen) And you're skinny.

(Steven) Skinny-ish. I put on a little weight.

(Phoebe) You're both so alike. I can't even distinguish much of a difference.

(Steven) This feels like a dream.

(Stephen) W-What's your full name?

Phoebe noticed his stutter. This was the first time in years since Stephen had stuttered. This was a telltale sign that Stephen was nervous.

(Steven) Steven Universe.

(Stephen) Steven Universe? What kind of last name is Universe?

(Steven) My Dad's last name is Universe. He kinda changed it, I guess.

(Stephen) It sounds very... bizarre.

(Steven) And she's Phoebe, right?

(Phoebe) Yes.

(Steven) Is she your girlfriend?

(Stephen & Phoebe) No.

(Steven) Oh, you two look like a couple though.

(Stephen) She's my friend.

(Phoebe) A very "close" friend.

She rolled her eyes at Stephen's lie. He never openly admits that she's his mother, why? Is he embarrassed of it?

He shouldn't be. She knows he views her as his mother and even he blurted out "Mom" one time. Now isn't the time for flashbacks (maybe later), right now, they're discussing on how similar the two are.

(Steven) Oh, is she your special friend?

(Stephen) You could say that.

It would be... interesting if he ever felt that way to her. It's not that Stephen would be a good partner, nor would he be a bad partner. It's more about the lifestyle they would have.

He already values her own wellbeing over his own, values her opinions over his, emotion over his. Practically everything she likes means more than himself. It would seem like a one sided relationship, sort of.

Of course, the more simple term and slang for what it would be is that Stephen would simp over her. She would be flattered, but also concerned for his health. She never has to worry about his physical health, it's already at it's peak for his age.

His mental health would be an issue. Low self esteem, hardly self confidence. He would be a mess without her.

She knows that he always seeks her approval in things and doesn't know what to do without her. His IQ is higher than hers, but she would be able to convince him on anything just by saying it's right or wrong. She really needs to instruct him on how to make his own choices and decisions without her.

The Tale of Two StevensWhere stories live. Discover now