Chapter 18: Diamond Days

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Stephen and the others got into Pink Diamond's ship, which is just a pair of legs, and cruised off into Homeworld. Bismuth offered to stay back to keep an eye on things, but asked for "Steven" to give one of the three Diamonds a good punch for her. It was going to be a while for them to reach Homeworld, Stephen rests, knowing he will need his energy.

Phoebe's House:

Steven and Phoebe are watching a movie. Steven felt chilly, and he was tired, too. Phoebe kept her eyes on Steven for half the movie, because she is prepared for anything that could happen to him.

Steven's skin has gotten paler today than yesterday. He still has enough blood to live, but not enough for his skin to return to normal. Steven hasn't moved or made a noise in a while, Phoebe checked on him. 

(Phoebe) Steven? 

She tapped his shoulder. No response.

(Phoebe) Steven?

She checked to see if he's asleep. Steven slumped forward.

(Phoebe) Steven?!

She brought Steven to the floor and moved him on his back. She brought her ear to his chest, there is no heartbeats or signs of breathing.

(Phoebe) STEVEN!

Phoebe moved her hands to his chests, and pushed down repeatedly, as rough as she can, without bruising or breaking bones. If Stephen was here, he would do a better job at hands on CPR than Phoebe. Chest compressions is what she needs to do, mouth-to-mouth CPR would be ineffective in this situation for lots of reasons.

The first reason is that she doesn't want to do mouth-to-mouth on a minor, because of how uncomfortable it would be. The second reason is because Steven is in cardiac arrest, and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation does not work for that. She continued to push down on his chest, and after she gotten tired, she checked his pulse.

He still isn't breathing. It's important to keep Steven alive until Pink Diamond returns to Earth, because she does not have access to the healing water, and if he dies, he would decompose before Pink returns, and he would be too far gone then. Phoebe quickly raced to the bathroom and grabbed her personal set of defibrillators. 

She ran back to the livingroom and took Steven's shirt off. She owns AED defibrillators, which means all she has to do is listen to it's instructions. It also has a picture on the screen, which makes things easier for her.

[AED Voice Prompt] Apply pad to bare skin exactly as shown in the picture.

Phoebe obeyed the disembodied voice. She panics, but keeps calm enough to listen to instructions without making a mistake, a boy's life is at stake here.

[AED Voice Prompt] Press pad firmly. Peel other pad off blue plastic. Apply pad to bare skin exactly as shown in the picture.

She placed the second pad in the designated area. 

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