Chapter 10: Spar Match

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Stephen was mantaining his body, keeping himself in shape, even though he's reached the limits of how strong a 16-year-old can get. That doesn't stop him from attempting to go beyond. Not only does be work out, but he trains Phoebe in a daily spar.

Though, sparring with her isn't much because he's holding back against her. Not because he only lets loose on gems, but, because he can't hurt her, he values her too much, even if they're sparring. Right now, he's doing some reps of bench press.

The weight on the bar is 250 pounds. Phoebe is his spotter, she's worried. Stephen is moving the bar up and down on his chest.

(Phoebe) Don't strain yourself.

She can't even lift that. Though, she could if she cared about pushing herself to the limit like Stephen. He lets out a groan as his arms began to burn.

(Phoebe) Stephen, you should stop.

(Stephen) No pain... no gain...

He inhales and exhales in a pattern to keep his breathing rhythm normal. His heart is racing up. He gets in the amount of reps he wanted before putting the bar on the hooks to keep it there.

(Phoebe) Good job.

She tried uplifting his spirit. She knows what today is. It's the 8th anniversary of when he got carved and in a few more days, is the anniversary of when Phoebe found him.

He'll turn 17 then. Though, it wouldn't be his offical age since he doesn't actually know how old he is. He could be younger or older than what he thinks he is.

He moved the bench and got the bar on the ground. He took the plates off and put the bumper plates on the bar.

(Stephen) You should step back...

(Phoebe) Are you sure?

(Stephen) Yes...

She stepped back like he told her. He crouched down, back straight. He quickly lifts the bar up to his arms and squats.

Then, he raised the bar above his head and stood up. He placed the bar on his shoulders and is still holding onto it. He squats down and back up. He repeats this process multiple times.

He eventually stopped. He pants.

(Phoebe) You done?

(Stephen) For now... I'll come back later.

His phone rang. He answered it.

(Stephen) Yes?

[Phone] Hey, the gems are taking Moonlight to spar later today. Maybe you could take my place, well, you don't have to. I have a feeling you might be useful. Plus, you should get to know Moonlight more.

(Stephen) Okay. Give me a moment.

He drinks some water to hydrate himself.

(Phoebe) You know, you can always not take Steven's place. It didn't sound like he was in a threatening situation.

(Stephen) It's fine. Besides, he's right, I should get to know her more. Mainly because she knows our secret.

(Phoebe) She does? How did she figure it out?

(Stephen) She caught us.

(Phoebe) Oh.

(Stephen) She said she won't tell anyone else but I'm not sure if I could trust her. She's a stranger I hardly met.

(Phoebe) Well, today is the perfect day for you to learn about her before you make your judgement.

He puts on the jacket Steven gave him and practice on his Steven voice on his way over.

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