Chapter 12: Below The Surface

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Yeah, I'm reusing a Chapter name. I'm so unoriginal.



Along with my un-originality (I don't know if that's a word), I took text from my other story about AU Steven (Stephen), so if you read the first story about AU Steven, prepare for dé·jà vu.

Steven's P.O.V.

I told Stephen and Phoebe about Moonlight and they felt sorry for her. Stephen hoped she would be okay. I... actually miss her.

Not that I had feelings for her (or does he?) or I didn't care about her. I like her as friend, like Connie. And I could actually trust her.

It's hard to live with the other gems anymore since they continue to keep secrets from me. I deserve to know them, right? I go on missions with them and Stephen is helping me prove my worth.

It's one thing if they don't tell me about the battles of the war or the causalities, but keeping the fact that my mother was a murderer and it's what started the war in the first place is entirely different. Keeping it from me just disgusts me. And to think, I wanted to become like her.

I don't want to be a murderer! I don't want to be a war criminal! I don't want to hurt anybody.

But... I have Stephen doing that last part for me. Ever since the incident with Pearl, I never want to fight anyone for a while, or ever. Wait... does Stephen hate fighting... or does he love it?

Love is probably a strong word. He doesn't show signs of distaste when he engages combat, but he doesn't show signs of pleasure as well. He just shows... anger.

Does he use fighting as an outlet for his anger? That's not exactly healthy, I think. But I'm not going to tell him what to do, he's doing what I asked him to.

Wait, does he even care about being a double anymore? Because before, he did this because I was giving him money to help with Phoebe's treatment of her cancer, even though it was a small amount. But now that she's cured and healthy, would he still be my stuntman?

Does he like doing this? I need to know. Aside from Moonlight, he's also someone I could trust, Connie, too. And especially Phoebe.

That's four people, well, three people and a gem. But the gem is gone, and she'll be fine, right? She's tough and the ultimate weapon, surely she wouldn't go down so easily.

I just hope she'll be okay. I walk to Stephen's house and knocked on the door. It opens.

(Phoebe) Steven, hello. How are you?

(Steven) Good. How about you and Stephen?

(Phoebe) We're good. Well, I'm good. Stephen, as long as I'm good and happy, he's fine.

(Steven) Well, I just wanted to talk to him. About what we're doing. Just to make sure if he wants to do it.

(Phoebe) Stephen! Steven's here, and he wants to talk to you.

I walk inside the house and sit down on the couch. I see Stephen enter the livingroom.

(Stephen) Steven, what brings you by?

(Steven) Just wanted to talk to you about a few things.

(Stephen) What about?

(Steven) About the double act. It's just... Do you still want to do it? To take my place when I would appreciate and most preferred for you to fight my battles.

The Tale of Two StevensWhere stories live. Discover now