Chapter 4: Strange Personality

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Before you ask, I somewhat copied and pasted a chapter from my AU series, but I rewrote it better and added more to it. Okay?

Not entirely lazy.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Two weeks since Steven and Stephen has started the double act. After the day Stephen pretended to be Steven, the gems have been acting weird around the real Steven. They've been asking him if he was okay, what was he doing, stuff like that.

Stephen had received $10 per week, like Steven promised. So he has $20 received. Phoebe got paided just last week. Here is the total amount of money they have: $1720.

$1,000 came from the wrestling tournament, $500 came from the tag team night, $200 came from some of the money Phoebe had saved, and the $20 came from Steven. Stephen begged Phoebe to save more money and reduce the amount of groceries, offering to starve himself to save money. Phoebe would not let him do that, but she couldn't stop him if she tried.

Stephen almost died from starvation many years ago when she first brought him in. How it happened is that Stephen was so skinney that his bones were visible and his skin hugged his skeletal structure. Then when he was offered food from Phoebe, he hardly ate, not trying to look needy.

He wasn't eating enough, he couldn't get his strength back until eventually Phoebe finally convinced him he could eat as much as he would like. Once again, we're not looking into Stephen's past (not yet), we're looking in today, right now. Stephen was desperate to keep Phoebe alive, whatever it takes.

Both of them are scared of what's going on with Phoebe's health. Stephen has been working hard at wrestling, fighting his opponents fast and hard. Stephen has made a rough guesstimate that they would need $7,500 for surgery just in this town.

That's with insurance. They just need $6,000 more. Stephen is contemplating on getting multiple jobs to boost up the finance.

They don't pay much, but with them all piling up on payment, it would be a big help. He applied for them and hoped they would hire them. The jobs are the Big Donut, Fishstew Pizza and the Carwash.

He applied for part-time so the hours aren't long, which also means the pay isn't much either. He scheduled his hours, too. Today, Stephen is at Steven's because Steven invited him over.

They both hung out in Steven's room. Stephen quickly got into hiding when the Warp Pad illuminated.

(Steven) Hey, guys.

(Garnet) Good morning, Steven.

(Pearl) Good morning, Steven.

(Amethyst) Good morning, Steven.

(Steven) You know, not all of you have to say that to me.

(Amethyst) (nervous chuckles) Well, we just want you to know that we care and wish you a good morning.

(Steven) That's... good.

That's another weird thing they've been doing. They constantly check on him, even though they already know what he's doing. Maybe Stephen said too much last time.

(Steven) So, what are you up to today?

(Pearl) Well, we are just here to inform you that we'll going to a once proud battlefield.

(Garnet) We are here to ask if you wish to come with us.

(Steven) You're asking me?

(Amethyst) Yeah, figured you deserve it.

(Steven) Okay, well, you guys can wait by the Warp Pad and I'll get ready.

(Amethyst) Okay. Let's go, guys.

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