Chapter 16: Family Reunion

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Picture belongs to MetaLatias5 on DeviantArt. 



3rd Person P.O.V.


(Pink Diamond) Oh, my stars! Steven why am I out here?!

Everyone else, including Stephen was just shocked and stayed out of the conversation they're having.

(Steven) I asked them to. Wait, why am I even talking to you? You're not my Mom! 

(Pink Diamond) Steven, I know this is very confusing. But I am your mother.

(Steven) My mother is a rose quartz. You don't even look like her on the painting at the house! I don't even know who you are!

(Howard) Umm.... That's the gemstone we cut out of your body, Steven. You said your mom was the gem in your stomach. I think it's her...

He interjects, but Steven doesn't listen.

(Steven) How do I know you're my mom?

She sighed and shapeshifted into Rose Quartz, the exact one on the painting at his house. Then, she returns to normal.

(Pink Diamond) Proof enough?

(Steven) B-But how and why? Who even are you?

She sighed before she spoke again.

(Pink Diamond) I'm Pink Diamond.

(Steven) WHAT?! 

(Pink Diamond) Let me explain...

Some time later [It's really bloody difficult to properly explain Pink's reason for running away and creating the Crystal Gems without making it sound like Pink bashing or defending Pink's actions. I have a neutral stance on Pink Diamond, so I'm just going have Steven understand some of Pink's misdeeds, but not entirely okay with all of them]: 

(Steven) I... I can't believe that all of this time, you were the reason why the war started... 

(Pink Diamond) I hope you can understand why.

(Steven) I do, but, that doesn't mean I like it.

Everyone else is sitting down, Howard has a drink, Phoebe with her legs crossed and Stephen is just watching everything unfold.

(Steven) We have to tell the Diamonds.

(Pink Diamond) No, we can't!

(Steven) We have to! They think you're dead! We need to save the corrupted gems. 

(Pink Diamond) But--

(Stephen) Steven's right. We should fix those gems and get the truth out there. It's the right thing to do.

Pink looked disappointed. But she knew they're right. It's the right thing to do in this situation, but it's hard.

(Steven) I know you don't want to, but do it for me, please...

He coughed. He looked at Pink with pleading eyes.

(Pink Diamond) Okay... For you... 

(Stephen) Are we going to reveal the double act? Or are we still going to preserve it?

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