Chapter 14: Heated Discussions

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I am very sorry I ignored this story for a bit, I was just busy with things and I lost track of time. I know it's no excuse, but I will make up for it. Read to the end of the chapter and read my note for more information if you're curious. 



3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven went to Stephen and Phoebe's house.

(Phoebe) Hello, Steven. I heard you went to the doctor. How did it go?

(Steven) It was fine. But I need to talk to you and Stephen.

(Phoebe) Sure.

She allowed him inside her house.

(Steven) Do you have something for me to charge my phone?

(Phoebe) Right there.

She points at a charger plugged into the wall. Steven plugs his phone in and sits on the couch.

(Phoebe) Stephen, Steven's here and he wants to talk to us!

Stephen came in quickly.

(Stephen) How did it go?

(Steven) Fine.

(Stephen) What happened to your phone?

(Steven) It died. Battery was low and I didn't notice. I just wanted to talk to you both about something I learned.

(Phoebe) What is it?

(Steven) Dr. Maheswaran recognized me as Stephen.

(Phoebe) Oh, of course. I sometimes mistaken you for him and vice versa.

(Steven) She talked about she didn't like doing secret prescriptions behind your back.

Phoebe's eyes turned from curious to shocked. Stephen was scared.

(Stephen) Don't--

(Phoebe) Quiet!

She snapped, silencing him before he could even say anything.

(Stephen) Yes ma'am...

He obeyed and bowed his head in shame, and fear of what she's going to do.

(Phoebe) What prescriptions?

(Steven) Antidepressants and painkillers. She said that he has to come clean with you, especially after the incident where he took an overdose. Dr. Maheswaran had to pump his stomach.

Phoebe's fists balled.

(Phoebe) Thank you for being honest with me, Steven. Why don't you go home? Me and Stephen are going to have a very, very long talk.

She crossed her arms, Steven hesitantly left. Last thing he saw was Phoebe looking at Steven with anger in her eyes while Stephen's hands were shaking before he closed the door. He wondered if that was the right thing to do.

Yes, it was wrong of Stephen to be doing that behind her back, but he was desperate. But the question brought up to his mind is why would he have to do it without Phoebe knowing? Did she not allow it?

It doesn't sound like Phoebe. She's a nice young woman, there's no way she would forbid Steven from getting medication. Was he doing it because of his pride?

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