Chapter 13: Shocking Truths

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3rd Person P.O.V.


(Moonlight) You called?

(Yellow Diamond) I recently had a call from a peridot that told me you escaped from the ship before it was destroyed.

(Moonlight) So?

(Yellow Diamond) You told me you lost contact with them.

(Moonlight) It's true, I never gotten back to them because they were lost.

(Yellow Diamond) You never mentioned the ship bejng destroyed. One of you two is lying.

(Moonlight) Didn't the peridot call you a clod, too?

(Yellow Diamond) ...Yes.

(Moonlight) So, you're telling me that you think the treasonous peridot is more honest than the half Diamond who has been loyal for the last 10,000 years?

(Yellow Diamond) That treasonous peridot doesn't have a history of lies and reckless behavior, unlike you.

(Moonlight) Okay, maybe a few lies, but does it ever make you think I betray you?

(Yellow Diamond) Hold on... If the ship was destroyed, how did you get back on Homeworld?

Moonlight felt frozen stiff.

(Moonlight) Well, I took a Warp Pad back to Homeworld.

(Yellow Diamond) The Warps are inaccessible and cut off from Earth.

(Moonlight) I used one of Peridot's robonoids to repair it. But most likely those Crystal Gems broke it again.

(Yellow Diamond) Hmm...

She inspects Moonlight's eyes. Her eyes help Yellow determine if she's lying or not.

(Yellow Diamond) Moonlight...

(Moonlight) Yes, Yellow?

(Yellow Diamond) Are you telling me the truth?

(Moonlight) Of course. What do I have to gain for lying?

Moonlight did her best to look convincing. It was enough for Yellow to be convinced.

(Yellow Diamond) Report back to your lab and finish your experiments. I want that serum perfected, you understand?

(Moonlight) Yes, Yellow.

Moonlight walks to her lab. The room wasn't actually a lab before Moonlight inhabited the room, it was formerly Pink Diamond's room. Moonlight opens the door and walks to her workbench and sits down in her chair.

The room used to be an open space but with Moonlight's stuff, it's a little small. There's a bed covering a corner, 10 huge glass tubes of Moonlight's essence that was extracted from her, and her workbench with all of the brewing stands, vials, tools, microscopes, etc. Moonlight takes off her strap and sets it in a clear space on her workbench and took the glass tube out of it.

(Moonlight) (sighs)

This was boring and hard for her to do.

"That was so cool!"

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