Chapter 9: House Guest

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3rd Person P.O.V.

(Greg) S-Steven?! Who is this?

(Steven) This is Moonlight. Say hi.

(Moonlight) Hi.

(Greg) Is she part of the invasion? Did she kidnap you? Did she hurt you?

(Steven) No, Dad. I'm fine. She didn't really kidnap me, the other invading gems did. And, yeah, she kinda was part of the invasion. But she let me go.

(Greg) She did?

(Moonlight) Yep. Figured I owe Rose one. Sorry, I figured I owe Steven one for what he did for me.

(Steven) You mean what Mom did for you.

(Moonlight) Yeah, yeah, this "Mom" had done me a great service.

(Greg) What did Rose do?

(Moonlight) She shattered Pink Diamond.

(Steven) In Earth terms: Mom murdered Pink Diamond.

(Greg) She did?

(Steven) Yeah, the gems never told me. I learned it from her. She also thanked me for it. Hence why she let me go. She's gonna stay with us until we can get her back to Homeworld.

(Greg) Don't you think that's a little dangerous since she could tell them about you and the gems?

(Steven) She won't. She'll get in trouble because she wasn't supposed to let me go.

(Greg) Oh, well--

(Moonlight) Listen, I don't know you and you don't know me. But I'm just going to let you know I'm a honest Diamond. When I say something, I mean it. And I expect the same to others. And if they don't... well, let's just say they wished they told me the truth the first time.

(Steven) Come on, lets go to my room so we can talk more.

(Moonlight) Okay.

He grabs her hand and leads up upstairs. The door opens and Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst walk in.

(Pearl) I guess you met Moonlight.

(Greg) Yeah. She's a little creepy, especially with those teeth.

(Amethyst) I don't know if I could trust her.

(Garnet) We aren't certain, either. We are just now recovering from the horror we just witnessed from that thing of a fusion.

(Pearl) She did let Steven go. It's probably how he got out.

(Amethyst) Yeah, but she could be planning something. What if she secretly contacts Homeworld?

(Garnet) She can't, Amethyst. The ship is destroyed and there is no communicators around.

(Pearl) Why are you paranoid about her?

(Amethyst) She just freaks me out, okay? And I'm worried she'll hurt Steven.

(Pearl) That, I can understand and agree with. But if she wanted to, she'd done it already, right?

(Garnet) Maybe. She's a mystery.

Steven's room:

Both Steven and Moonlight are sitting on the bed with their legs crossed.

(Steven) So, what kind of gem are you?

(Moonlight) That I can't really answer because I'm made of multiple gems. Part amethyst, part jasper, part ruby, part Diamond, part--

(Steven) Part Diamond?! I thought you were a full Diamond.

(Moonlight) No. I was made from multiple types of gems for the Diamonds. They even given up a part of themselves to create me.

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