Chapter 20: Resolve

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Stephen pockets White's gem. He made sure her gem was not cracked before he puts it in his pocket. Stephen will assume White will have some trauma due to this kind of assault, due to her narcissist personality. 

He can safely say she'll be a sniveling coward when she reforms. Stephen leaves White's room. He walked in the Palace, Yellow and Blue were still in there.

(Yellow Diamond) Where have you been?

(Stephen) I've been busy. Look who I have.

He took White's gem out of his pocket. Blue gasped and placed her hands on her mouth. Yellow's eyes expanded in fear. 

(Yellow Diamond) You took her down... by yourself?! How?!

(Stephen) White was not expecting her face being smashed into a generator.

(Yellow Diamond) You damaged her face?! 

(Stephen) Yes. The worst part of it was that she didn't poof yet. Her face was blown off.

(Blue Diamond) Oh my stars!

(Stephen) She'll live. I'm going to get the others, and we're going to Earth. Be by the Warp Pad by the time I'm done. 

Stephen instructed them. He went to Pink Diamond's room and opened the door.

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] Get ready, we're going back to Earth. We have the cooperation of all three Diamonds.

(Lapis) How did you get White Diamond to cooperate?

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] We had a very long talk. With the help of Yellow and Blue, of course.

(Peridot) We still haven't found Pink.

(Pearl) Maybe she's in the Tower?

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] What's that?

He coughed.

(Pearl) It's a place where White used to lock her up in.

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] Can you show me where it is?

(Pearl) Sure.

(Garnet) I'll get everyone by the Warp Pad and wait for you three.

(Stephen) [imitating Steven] Thanks, Garnet. 

Pearl and Stephen walked the halls while everyone else went into the Palace and located the Warp Pad, where Yellow and Blue are. Pearl looked around the hallway.

(Pearl) It should be right... here!

She points at a wall.

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] Is this some sort of secret wall?

(Pearl) Yes. That was intentional on the Diamonds' part, because they wanted to make sure nobody could find it.

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] How did you find it?

(Pearl) I've seen Pink get thrown in there so many times.

Stephen looked around for anything to open the door.

(Stephen) [Imitating Steven] How do we open it?

(Pearl) It requires a hand print, on that panel, of a gem who has high security clearance, or a Diamond. But none of us have that. Perhaps I could go back and ask Yellow or Blue--

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