Chapter 11: A Friend's Goodbye

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Once arriving at Phoebe's place, she was shocked to meet Moonlight in person.

(Phoebe) Oh my... You must be Moonlight.

(Moonlight) Correct. I suppose Stephen talked about me. All good things, I hope.

(Phoebe) Well, not much since last time we spoke, he hardly knew about you then.

(Moonlight) That's fair.

(Phoebe) Please, have a seat.

She looks at the furniture. It was all too small for her. She was much larger than the average gem, let alone average human.

The only suitable seat for her is the couch. She took up most of the space. There's two other chairs and Stephen and Phoebe sat down on them.

(Steven) Um, excuse me, Phoebe. But where can I sit?

(Phoebe) Oh, you can take my seat.

(Stephen) No, he can take mine.

Moonlight laughed.

(Moonlight) You two are too polite. He can sit with me. Right here.

She pats on her leg.

(Steven) Oh, I wouldn't mind sitting on the floor.

(Moonlight) Nonsense. You deserve a seat.

(Steven) I don't have a choice, don't I?

She grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her.

(Moonlight) No, you don't.

She forced him to sit on her lap.

(Steven) Why are you so weird with me?

(Moonlight) Because I can. And you're special.

He blushed and crossed his arms.

(Phoebe) So, Moonlight, tell us about yourself.

(Moonlight) Well, the boys already know about me, so I'll be informing you. I'm a gem hybrid, like Steven, but not human. I'm made of multiple gem minerals. So, I'm part quartz, part ruby, part Diamond, etc. My power is to gain strength.

(Phoebe) Is there a limit?

(Moonlight) Nope. I was an ultimate weapon for the Diamonds. Until we evolved and I got reduced to a guard. Oh, I just remembered!

(Steven) What?

(Moonlight) My equipment is still at my room at Homeworld.

(Steven) Equipment?

(Stephen) Since when did you need equipment?

(Moonlight) It's not the kind I'd carry on me at all times. It's... well... my power turned into a liquid... what's the word?

(Stephen) Essence?

(Moonlight) Yes! Okay, you know how Steven has healing spit?

(Phoebe) Yes. It's the reason why I'm still alive.

(Moonlight) Well, I have my power into spit, except I have to use my equipment to concentrate it and brew it into a purer source of essence.

(Steven) How do you do it?

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