Chapter 21: Spinel

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Please read the note at the end of this chapter if you have some questions about how this was written. 



3rd Person P.O.V.

It's only been a week since Stephen helped cover for Steven on Homeworld. Steven is slowly getting better, but still weak from the crude surgery. Pink has been helping him walk again on his own, and whenever Steven felt weak or about to faint, she would cradle him until he felt better again.

Stephen himself has been resting and recovering from the night, physically speaking. He had taken a lot of hits from the fights he had that night and they've been catching up to him recently. He's all better now.

Steven and Pink were outside near the Lighthouse, basking on the grass. 

(Pink Diamond) I'm glad the war is finally over. No more turmoil between us, the Diamonds, and even within our team.

(Steven) Yeah, but I can't help but think there's still something wrong. I can feel it.

(Pink Diamond) That's probably your incision on your tummy. 

(Steven) No, this isn't the cut. Like, my feelings feel as if something is bringing them down.

(Pink Diamond) That sounds like guilt. 

(Steven) I think it is guilt.

(Pink Diamond) Guilt for who? You? Me?

(Steven) Stephen.

(Pink Diamond) Oh. Why? I'm not being insensitive when I asked that, I'm just curious.

(Steven) I used to get a lot of hate just for being your son before you were forced out, and I just had this huge weight of responsibility on my shoulders everyday. And now that you and I are separate, I still have some discrimination and prejudice from gems that knew me before, like Jasper and Holly Blue Agate. But since Stephen is doing the heavy-lifting and taking my place, I feel like he is going through what I went through. 

Pink's mood changed. She hadn't fully realized how bad it was for Steven before she came out, and now that things are different, and she's owning up to most of her mistakes, Steven and now Stephen are still suffering the same type of controversy they got from before. Stephen already had some issues from the fact he's been through trauma at a younger age than Steven and probably saw some horrors that night that would have made Steven wake up screaming for his life at night. 

Steven's mentality is more fragile than Stephen's, but that doesn't mean Stephen's is less important. 

(Steven) I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked. 

(Pink Diamond) No, It's just... I felt the same about him and you. You both have been through too much. 

She lets a single tear slide down her face.

(Pink Diamond) I'm so sorry I put you both through something that did not involve you both. I don't know how I could make up for it.

Steven moved close to her, hugging her, his head tucked under her chin.

(Steven) You already have to me. Just by being here, and trying to atone is enough for me. I can't say the same about Stephen though. 

(Pink Diamond) Although, you did do him a huge favor by saving Phoebe's life. Due to their financial set back, he probably would've lost her. 

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