Chapter 5: An Indirect Kiss

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Warning: Tragic backstory incoming.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Weeks later:

Stephen got to the job at all three places he applied for: The Big Donut, Fishstew Pizza, and the Carwash. Stephen also recognized the man who owned the Carwash, it's Greg Universe, former rockstar and Steven's father. He had to wear something that would hide his face, that way Greg wouldn't mistaken him for Steven and he wouldn't spoil the game.

At this rate, the double act is a game for the two and they're winning. Once they get discovered, they lose. Stephen wore a scarf that covers his mouth and nose, and a fedora to cover his hair.

Strange accessories to use to conceal his face, but they work. He wears these to all the places he works at. He works from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Big Donut, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Fishstew Pizza, he washes any cars that turn up during his thirty minute breaks, and he finishes the day at the underground wrestling facility when it's wrestling night.

He only gets days off on the weekends. He gotten his paychecks yesterday, and added them to the collected amount they have for Phoebe. They have $2,220, many more to go.

Today, Stephen is at work and Phoebe has the day off. A knock was heard on the door. Phoebe answered it.

(Steven) Hey, Phoebe. Is Stephen home?

(Phoebe) No. He's at work.

(Steven) Oh, I forgot, he has multiple jobs.

(Phoebe) Come on in.

She allowed him inside her house.

(Phoebe) What brings you by?

(Steven) I was wanting to check on you two. How are you doing?

(Phoebe) Fine, although I have some pain right here.

She points to her chest area, the area where the cancer is.

(Phoebe) It hurts sometimes, I feel all hot and I get shortness of breath. It's exhausting.

(Steven) I'm sorry about that. I wish I could give you guys more money.

(Phoebe) It's all right. We're doing as much as we can. Do you want something to drink? I don't mind.

(Steven) What do you have?

(Phoebe) Water, sweet tea and diet soda.

(Steven) What kind of soda?

(Phoebe) Pepsi.

(Steven) I'll take some of that.

She grabs two cans of Diet Pepsi out of the fridge and placed them on the coffee table.

(Steven) So, how much more do you and Stephen need to make in order to get surgery?

He took a sip from the can. He placed it on the table after he took a sip from it.

(Phoebe) About $5,500 more. With the amount we're earning on average, from you, Stephen's jobs and the money I get from my job, it'll take three more months. A huge gamble for us, because I was diagnosed last month and I only have a few months to get surgery before it's too late.

She sipped from her can. She sets the can on the table.

(Steven) Oh...

He felt really bad for her and Stephen. They both must be scared out of their minds as they speak. Both are living in constant fear of hoping that Phoebe doesn't die.

Phoebe noticed the sad look on his face.

(Phoebe) Hey, it's okay. We're fine, I think.

(Steven) It's just... I feel really bad for you two. You both are going through a lot and I just want to help you both, but there's nothing I can do.

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