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Takemichi POV
You see i thought my friends were pretty lame, but now that im here theyre actually pretty cool people. I had such great friends in middle school.

"Gentlemen the competitors are just as theyre said in the email! We have sakuras middle kojima! And mizo middle yamamoto!" The announcer stated. And as introduction finished everyone stayed silent until they heard kiyomasa "begin".

"Wait! Aint it really boring having the same fight every single day?" I thought maybe i could save yamamoto this day. "How about the king vs the slave?" Grinning i asked "Kiyomasa-senpai lets have a one-on-one fight". If i dont change then nothing else would change either.

He walked up to me cigarette in his mouth. "Huh?" He said, I cant run away. I need to meet the leader of tokyo gang. Ill never be able to meet him while im still a slave. "You better not regret it" kiyomasa said. And just how i quickly made up my mind i quickly got discouraged. Kiyomasa is way stronger than me the difference in strength is so great that i can tell with only one punch.

He punched and punched and kicked and he used his knee. "Takemichi!" I could hear them scream for me. "Thats enough takemichi!!" Akkun said "no. Not yet" they looked suprised 'takemichi dont do this! Please just come here and lets go eat' Akkun thought. I cant quit yet!

"That guy... has massive balls" a guy said "yeah why would he go up agaisnt someone who is clearly more stronger than him?" Another guy asked. I could only feel the punches thrown kiyomasa hit and hit and hit. "I said thats enough takemichi!" Yamamoto screamed "your seriously going to get yourself killed!!!" Akkun screamed. "Not yet not yet these 12 years this heart cant heal i keep on running and running..." "Give up takemichi youve showed us enough of your determination!!" Akkun screamed worried lingering. "Im not giving up!!! I have a reason to not give up! Tokyo gang. Kiyamasa the only way youll win is if you kill me!" Kiyamasa looked suprised.

I have to save hina no matter what! "Bring me my bat!" Kiyamasa said ordering people "what? Isnt that kind of cheating" people started to whisper "i said bring me my bat!" He screamed. "Oi kiyomasa youve drawn quite the crowd" said a guy with a tatoo on his scalp. "Hey kenchin ive finished my food" said a kid with blond hair. "No way thats draken and the one next to him is Mikey!" Everyone bowed "president good work!" They all said.

"Hi im-" Mikey walked pass him "Mikey doesnt talk to people he isnt intrested in" draken said. "President good-" kiyomasa was kicked by Draken as Mikey walked up to me. He was too fucking close!!! My heart is pounding like crazy! I fell.

Nones POV
"Whats your name?" Mikey asked "h-Hanagaki Takemichi" he squat down "Takemitchy?~" Takemichi looked confused "huh, Takemitchy?" "Thats what mikey said so thats whats right. Right Takemitchy?" "Are you really a middle schooler?" Mikey leaned in more closer.

   "Well then Takemichi! From today and onward your my bitch~" he closed the gap with his lips. 'Huuuh!!!?' He put his tongue in takemichi's mouth and discovered the place. "Mmm wait" Mikey gripped his head harder and forced his tongue down his throat "mm please... stop" he tried his best, 'i just wanted to save hina, what the hell is thi!'

"Mmm" he couldnt get a hold on him so he gripped his shirt and tried to push him. 'Cute~' Mikey thought as he let go of Takemichi. Everyone was quiet and then "Tch Mikey" Draken said picking takemichi up from the shirt and slid his tongue down his throat.

   Eeeh!!?? Im sorry, who are you!!!???" Takemichi gripped draken shoulders and tried his best pushing him but that only encouraged draken to hold takemichi's waist and pull him in more, as draken finished he bit Takemichi on the lip having it bleed.

"Kenchin! He's my bitch!" Mikey argued pulling takemichi arm "Fuck that we said we wouldnt claim him and the first thing you did was claim him!" Draken said pulling his other arm "yeah well its not my fault he looked cute in the moment!" Mikey said pulling harder.

   "Your logic makes no fucking sense!" Draken said. "Stooop" takemichi whined and both stopped as they noticed how tired takemichi looked, mikey walked up to kiyomasa "are you the one who did this ring idea?" Mikey asked "yeah" kiyomasa said. Mikey kicked him and puched him and KOed him right there "underground fights are stupid, kenchin lets go home" Mikey said steppin on kiyomasa.

"Takemitchy, ill see you later~" Mikey said looking back at takemichi. "Bye Mitchy~" Draken said walking behind Mikey. "What the hell just happen?" Akkun said walking up to takemichi "i dont know but im scared."

   Akkun handed him his hand and he took it. "Those two are stupid its been a while since they acted this stupid" akkun said as the others were recreating and gossiping about what happen.

   Sitting down on a bench akkun said "thank you takemichi, if it wasnt you i probably would have commited murder." Akkun continued. "You were really cool back there" he smiled. "Haha Stop it your making me blush" takemichi was rubbing his neck "hehe your cute" 'mmhn? Did i heard right?' Takemichi shook it off and ran towards his friends.

'Damn... what am i going to do? I went from a slave from a low tier to the slave of a monstor! I dont even know what to do after this. Preventing two people from meeting and on top of that i still dont know who this kisaki guy is how will i prevent it! Its going to be impossible but i have to try i have to its the least i could do' takemichi thought as he was walking back home.

I hope you liked it
Bye take care

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