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Noones POV
   "Huh?" He was confused only to hear the door lock. "So what do you think about making this room a sex room once again?" Draken picked up Takemichi.

"Let's get to work" he kissed Takemichi taking him to the bed and dropping him on the soft cushion. "W-wait but I'm not ready!" Takemichi blushed covering his face.

Drakens heart beat was growing faster, his abdomen warmed up as he watched Takemichi carefully "you idiot" draken he put a hand over his mouth, his breath taken away. He watched Takemichi for a good second.

"Of course I wont go all the way" draken said on his bed putting Takemichi on top of his lap. His big hands traveled on Takemichi, he noticed he started to grow some muscle. Takemichi couldn't help but shiver at the touch of his big cold hands

Draken leaned closer to takemichis collar smelling him, "you smell so good" he planted kisses "well I did take a shower and used your soap" Takemichi looked away only getting more flustered.

"No, that's not what I meant, what I meant is that you carry a nice scent, when the breeze blows I can smell you, if the sun and water in the night sky were a scent, you would be it" draken sucked on his collar "Takemitchy, I want to devour you so bad" you could hear draken desperate voice, asking to go further

He whispered in his ear causing Takemichi to shiver in delight. Takemichi wrapped his arms around draken for support. He felt draken hair, he untied his hair, "haha I didn't think you'll take some action" Takemichi could feel draken smile

"I just really like your hair when it's down" Takemichi said in a faint whisper with so much softness Draken felt the shiver go straight to his private, only making it grow as much as it can in the limited space the pants could give

"Fuck Takemichi" draken layed Takemichi down his hair falling over dangeling as draken leaned for a kiss. As he pressed his lips against Takemichi he pulled his pants down enough for his member to breath Draken licked Takemichi lower lip asking for entrance and once Takemichi opened a little, draken acted quickly and shoved his tongue exploring his Takemichis mouth.

   His tongue played with takemichis, he pressed his private close to Takemichi "mn" Takemichi couldn't help but let out a small moan. His moan sent vibrations to Drakens tongue giving pleasure in ways that draken didn't think was possible

   Drakens hands travel underneath Takemichi shirt "mnh" Takemichi back arched feeling a pleasant shiver 'his hands are cold' he placed his hands on Drakens chest pushing a little "I need to breath" Takemichi said softly making draken crave for more

   "Should we be doing this?" Takemichi covered his face with his arms, "everything is confusing, I really want to continue but I feel guilty because I have hina but I also feel guilty because it feel so good. Does that even make sense?"

   Takemichi wanted to cry, draken moved his arms pinning them he leaned down to peck his lips. "Mikey would probably be really mad, hina-Chan said it herself that she doesn't mind if you had relationships with boys, and for being so pleasure that your scared. Maybe it's just because this is your first time"

   "I love you Takemichi" draken smiled and that's when it hit Takemichi. He blushed so much he felt so hot. "I'm so dumb" he wanted to hide he was so embarrassed "I've been telling you" draken smiled laughing a bit.

   "You don't need to answer me yet but make sure that you tell me before I die" draken smiled at him looking down at the view. "Don't say things like that" Takemichi brows furrowed "my bad, either way you should go before I go further with you" draken released Takemichi

   "Um then I'm taking my leave" he walked out. ""How was it kiddo?" A girl asked "did he treat you gently" another asked "w-we didn't do anything!!" He flushed and walked away "of course you did" the girl smiled "he's so cute" the other smiled too

   Takemichi walked slow, 'so everyone was openly showing their affection to me. Mikey-kun, he loved me the moment he saw me, and everyone else eventually fell for me too? That's crazy, but how was I so naive!?' "Ugh I'm so dumb!!!" He slammed his forehead onto the wall

   A little blood appeared, 'so when Mikey told me he loved me? It wasn't a joke? He wasn't just making fun of me? I'm so inconsiderate' Takemichi held his chest hurting he looked up and saw Emma he followed her "oh wait for m-"

"I love you Mikey" Takemichi saw her hug Mikey "hug me tighter" she smiled at him. "What!?" Takemichi seemed surprised'all this time he was dating Emma-Chan?' He backed away his chest hurt, 'so was that a lie?' Takemichi held his chest it hurt but not in the pleasant way when he would meet Mikey and Mikey would kiss him

It was in a way that felt betrayed, it hurt a lot. "So this is what you've been up to Takemichi-kun?" Hina scared him "hello" naoto greeted "we were shopping then we spot you" he continued. "Anyway there must be a reason for Emma to stoop to that level, right Takemichi?"

Hina leaned in her face Takemichi blushed a bit "uh yeah?" "I'll investigate this" she said following them "just play along with her" naoto smiled "haha alright" Takemichi patted naoto hair and naoto blushed

"Wow your short" Takemichi smiled at him "well I still have a long way" naoto retorted "haha yeah you'll probably be taller than me in a few years" Takemichi said comparing this naoto with future naoto "honestly I wish you wouldn't, you're cuter this way" he smiled and naoto looked away

"Whatever, let's go" naoto followed hinata Takemichi laughed "haha are you blushing? Is it cuz you were called cute? Or are you mad cuz I called you cute, that's good though" Takemichi jogged towards them laughing

Thanks for reading ✌️❤️

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