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Noones POV
Takemichi took a moment to think, he thought of who he wanted to protect and who he wanted to save. And hina. He threw a punch knocking out his opponent "Aaaaagh!!! Let's fucking do this!!!" Chifuyu and everyone else in toman smiled "haha that's my Takemitchy" Mikey stated. "He sure does know how to stir someone up and more than one way" draken smiled wide

"Are you seeing that dude over there" rindo asked "yeah he's quite funny" ran stated. "He's pretty cute" the older said "kinda wanna take away all his hope and make him tear up" the younger stated. "Sadistic as always" he said shaking his head.

   Someone threw a punch at takemichi and Takemichi threw one right back 'bhaha what the hell!?, damn he's funny' Hanma thought watching him "don't look at him" draken punched.

   'That's right, if I don't do this, if I don't over come this, I can't stop the worst future from happening!!' Takemichi thought as his eyes teared up as he was getting punch.

   "You good Mitsuya" draken asked "yeah, but the lower guys can't keep up, not only do they overpower us with numbers but they also have older and stronger guys 300 vs 150" Mitsuya cursed. "Aaaaugh I can't take anymore stop!!" One of toman members said

   "Shut up and die" draken kicked him away "draken!?" "Don't worry I'll protect all of you" he said "Shit were losing morale" Draken looked around

    "What's the matter draken, come at me" Hanma laughed, "seem a little far away Hanma" draken notice how many of his gang members were standing infront of him. "GAAAAAAH!!!!" Draken was surprised. Also surprising everyone else

"See he is funny" ran stated to laugh a bit at his action "kinda embarrassing but it would be fun to take away his hope" rindo smiled a lazy smile.

    Takemichi was swing his arms around "woah" the Valhalla members back off from the crazy dude "come and get me, assholes!!! Imma finish this fight I'm gonna kick all of your asses!!!" He screamed inspiring everyone.

   Takemichi swayed falling over only to be catches by Mitsuya "not too shabby, but what the hell was with that arms technique" Mitsuya laughed "h-hey I'm trying!" Takemichi responded.

   "We're pathetic" "there's no way we can back down now" "we need to win this fight" the toman members stood back up. "Let's show them what Roman's really made of!!!" They screamed "fuck I really love that guy" draken smiled.

    "Looks like they're fine draken" Mitsuya smiled "looks like they didn't need my protection" draken stretch "time to go on the offensive, thanks to you Takemitchy you've opened my eyes" Takemichi was left confused

    "Let's go Hanma" draken glare "we're not gonna hold draken back any longer!!!! Yeah!!!!" The members were fired up "look at that Takemitchy" Mitsuya smiled at him "huh" "we have the advantage" "why?" Takemichi questioned "you gave them the will to fight"

   "Now draken is free to do what he's gotta do" they watched as draken took down 10 people down with a single blow. "Wow draken-kun is so cool" he admired him. 'Its nice to have draken around, he's calm and understanding, he can be reckless a bit but he does it out of the goodness of his heart, he is someone you can rely on if you ever need someone'

   'What is this feeling?' Takemichi put a hand over his chest his heart tingled slightly and he started to heat up 'this is how I feel when I'm with hina... draken-kun' he couldn't help but blush a bit. 'Did he just feel something? I wish I were the one to awaken his feelings' Mitsuya smiled 'oh well' he kissed his cheek.

   "Sorry for the wait, hanma" draken smiled "you sure you aren't worn out yet?" Hanma smiled "that was my warm up, my partner fired me up so I hope your actually worth fighting" draken came back at him.

   "Tch" Hanma glared "damnn" Takemichi kept staring "hey Takemichi if you continue with that I'll get jealous" Mitsuya smiled but you could tell he was hurt 'Mitsuya-kun...' Takemichi couldn't do anything but look at Mitsuya and said "I just thought that I wanna be that strong"

   "I'll make sure you fall for me too alright? So please give me a chance" Mitsuya smiled a sad one at that, leaving Takemichi confused. And before he knew it everyone gasped as they saw mikey laying "mikey-kun!!!" Takemichi screamed out of concern.

   Thankfully Mikey stood back up. Takemichi couldn't hear much but one thing was clear kazutora stood on top of all the cars "did you know if you kill people, that makes you the bad guy; but if you kill the enemy, your a hero"

   'He has a point...' Takemichi thought, "hold him" kazutora told his followers and so they did he used the pipe and swinging it around as if he were practicing "that's not fair" draken ran towards Mikey to help, only to be held back by Hanma.

   Though it seemed Mikey started to fight back, surprising everyone who thought he lost. But even then he fell to his knees unable to stand back up, and others took this opportunity and were running towards him, "Mikey-kun!!!" Takemichi ran towards him only to be stopped by others.

   "Your bosses head is mine!!!" Some guy who seemed familiar was about to hit Mikey only to be stopped by Kisaki. And that's when it all made sense.

   'I get it now. Kisaki would have won anyways Valhalla would have taken toman or he would build up his rank with that stunt he just pulled' Takemichi wanted to cry. "Good job!!!" Draken said "not bad at all Kisaki" Mitsuya said "wow the new captain is good" the members said

   'No you guys don't understand we were his pawns this whole time' Takemichi wanted to scream. "KISAKI!!!" Baji was right behind him and he hit him knocking him down 'so banji-kun was actually aiming for Kisaki!!!' Takemichi was relief.

Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed take care ✌️❤️

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