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Noones POV
   The others walked in in a rush many of them still with an injury. "How's Takemitchy!?" Draken asked "they're doing an operation" Baji sadly said head low "he'll be fine so don't worry too much" Mitsuya patted his back

   Mikey sat down alone. They waited in silence for a few hours they only stared at the operating sign and once the light was off they could feel they're heart betting fast.

"The operation was a success" everyone's let out their breath not knowing they were holding it. "Fuck" Mikey teared up, "oh thank goodness" Mitsuya smiled and so did draken and did everyone else.

"He needs to rest so if you please excuse us" the doctor said as other medics pulled him out "Takemichi" chifuyu whispered smiling, "I've never felt so happy"

The others tried to enter the room "please understand you cannot enter yet, we just barely took him out of the operation room he needs to rest and we need to make sure that he isn't disturbed in these moments" the nurse tried to push them back from the door.

"Ma'am we promise to be quiet and we won't touch him at all" Mitsuya smiled at her "yeah we just want to keep an eye on him that's all" chifuyu continued "well..." Mikey was about to say something until draken elbowed him.

"Well please try to be considerate of him and others in the hospital" she seemed reluctant to leave but she did. "Haha nice one Mitsuya" baji said as Mikey barged in being followed by the others "look he's so cute" Mikey sat on the chair.

"Why is he so damn adorable" draken face palm in aggressiveness "he sure is cute, I wanna dress him up" Mitsuya said "wow you guys have no shame" chifuyu rolled his eyes.

"Don't think I didn't notice your blush everytime your with Takemichi" Baji glared at chifuyu "ehehe" chifuyu brushed it off.

"How long do you think it'll take for him to wake up?" Draken asked "probably until tomorrow" Mitsuya responded "I'll stay all night with him" Mikey held Takemichi hand

"Me too" draken said "not without me" Mitsuya mentioned "I'll stay too" Baji responded as chifuyu agreed too. "Tch it was just supposed to be me and my Takemitchy" Mikey pouted laying his head on the bed.

"I'm concerned too so of course I'll stay" draken said "I'm keeping an eye on all of you making sure non of you do anything unpleasant" Mitsuya shook his head "he saved my life so of course I have to be here" Baji smirked "and Takemichi is my partner" chifuyu smirked as the others glared "don't say that" Mikey said and chifuyu sweat drop

"By the way how's the injury?" Chifuyu asked Baji changing the subject "oh yeah I got treated when I nurse noticed my wound he forced me to get treated." Baji glared "well yeah you could've bleed to death" Mitsuya mentioned "yeah but it was nothing compared to what Takemichi goes had"

There was silence until Mikey said "does Takemitchy seem like he is carring a huge burden?" Mikey asked "he does seem stress" Mitsuya added "too stressed out" draken said.

"Those fragil shoulders can't possibly hold everything, right?" Mikey contemplated "but what could it be?" Mitsuya asked "maybe he's having a hard time at home" Baji wondered "now that you mention it we never met his mom or dad" chifuyu said as a matter of fact.

"Is it really a problem at home?" Draken asked "I guess we'll never know" Mitsuya said ending the conversation. "We could've lose him today" chifuyu mentioned "I don't think this is good for him" Mitsuya added draken nodded his head as baji clenched his fist.

"But Takemitchy belongs with me" Mikey said giving an unsettling aura. The night continued with dumb conversation and serious ones as well. Before they knew it they fell asleep, some fell on the ground the others on chairs and others on Takemichi.

"Ugh" Takemichi woke up his leg felt heavy yet numb. He opened his eyes "Mikey-kun?" He whispered ruffling his hair he looked around "draken-kun?" He was sleeping on the chair 'where's Banji-kun!?' He stood up too fast "damn that hurts!" He woke mikey, and draken up.

"Takemitchy!!!" Mikey said loud pulling him into a hug waking everyone up "I'm so glad you're awake" Takemichi smiled into his hug "Mikey-kun" he hugged his tighter making Mikey's heart beat faster "Takemichi!!!" Baji got up from the floor

"Haha did you sleep on the floor? Are your injuries ok?" He asked worried "definitely better than yours" he smiled "I'm glad" Takemichi smiled

"What do you mean your glad?" Mitsuya asked pissed "you could've died" he finished "I'm ok though so that's what matter right?" Takemichi rubbed his neck "...I guess but don't do that again"

"Partner, you scared me" chifuyu smiled "chifuyu" Takemichi said with so much happiness "thank god everyone is ok" Takemichi couldn't help but bit his lip and tear up "haha wouldn't be Takemichi unless he cris" chifuyu laughed

"I'm just so happy all of you are safe, maybe a little ruffed up but ok" Takemichi tried to wipe his tears only for them to fall back down "haha my crybaby" Mikey grabbed his chin and pressed his lips against Takemichis warm ones

He went slow today, he was gentle as he slowly slid his cold tongue into Takemichis dried mouth. Mikey made sure it wasn't dry. He pressed his tongue of the roof of takemichis mouth.

"Mn" Takemichi pushed him away "m-Mikey-kun!?" Mikey only licked his lips and smiled "yes?" "N-nothing" Takemichi looked at his hands conflicted "thanks for saving me Takemichi" baji pecked his lips "goodmorning" chifuyu pecked Takemichis lips as well "good to have you back" Mitsuya pulled Takemichis face.

At this point he is no longer blushing he just accepts it, he thinks it's their own way of showing that they care, I mean in the end Mikey is their leader.

But this was diffrent, draken patted his head and tiled his head upwards. Draken looked into Takemichi eyes with a gentle smile he leaned into a kiss, draken gentle kissed them biting before letting go.

Takemichi heart beated fast he blushed so much everyone noticed it. "Don't act on your own, alright?" Draken whispered against his lips "r-right!" He blushed so hard his eyes got teary 'what's this?' Takemichi held his chest 'what's this!?' Mikey, baji, and chifuyu asked as Mitsuya sighed.

Hope you guys liked it
Thank you for reading have a cute day ✌️❤️

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