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I forgot im a ff author

Noones POV
   'Huh' "its night?" Takemichi woke up to a painful headache. "Hm?" He noticed someone looking down at him. "Your awake" mikey smiled. Takemichi was laying down on mikeys lap. "Aah!?" Takemichi sat up, just to be pulled down by mikeys rough hands and was layed down on his lap.

    Mikey played with takemichis hair. "Do you not like kisaki?" He asked looking up to the moon. "Uh... um." Takemichi didnt know how to respond. "Making the gang bigger is pretty rough, when knew blood comes around some leave. The road to my dream is long." Mikey looked takemichi in the eyes. His dark evening sky eyes shining by the moonlight, it was beautiful.

   "Takemitchy, can you do me a favor?" Mikey smiled at him unable to look away. "You see i got this childhood friend, he would pick fights with me and i would hand him his ass every time." Mikey smiled.

    "Wow what a dumbass" takemichi laughed as mikey kept stroking his face. "Yeah thats baji and his hard to figure out right?" Mikey asked as takemichi nodded. "He'll slug people passing by when his sleepy and burn down a whole car when his hungry" mikey laughed at takemichis horrified expression.

    "Anyway, he is one of the founding members so takemitchy, bring baji back from Valhalla, he is a precious friend to me" mikey asked as both him and takemichi stood up. "Can you do that for me?" Mikey held takemichis hand. "Yes!!! Of course i can! But . . . can you do me a favor?" mikey hummed as to say go on.

   "Kisaki. Get kisaki out of toum-" "okay" mikey smiled. "Wha?" Takemichi was surprised "bring baji back before we fight Valhalla, prove to me you are more useful than kisaki" takemichi nodded in determination.

   "Now" mikey held takemichis chin "that bastard left a huge mark, he wasnt gentle with you at all" mikey leaned in and licked the busted lip. "Mhn" takemichi shut his eyes feeling the pain. "Hmm? Your so cute" mikey went for a kiss.

   He was gentle, diffrent from the other times. He held takemichis body close to him, feeling warm. Mikey slid his tongue across takemichis soft lips. Leaving takemichi weak and with a gap that mikey took advantage of.

   His tongue entered takemichis warm wet slippery mouth. 'Takemitchy' mikey tought over and over again as he gripped harder takemichi and deepened his kiss. 'I want more' mikey hugged takemichi and takemichi pushed away.

    "Mikey-" he was cut off as mikey went back in for a kiss "m-mikey-kun, i need to breath" takemichi gripped mikeys shoulder. "Takemitchy" mikey called as he went for the neck. His warm soft pale neck, he wanted to mark all of that area. "Eh mikey-kun why are you like this?" Takemichi wrapped his arms around mikeys neck, feeling he might fall.

    "Mhn, mikey-kun sto-p, i cant b-breath y-your do-oing too m-uch" Takemichi said coming out mostly gibberish holding on tight to mikeys clothes. "Your cute takemitchy~" mikey couldnt stop kissing nor did he plan to until. "Bastard you knew i was there all along" mikey was pulled away and smirked "i didnt know anything~, but" he paused "good timing"

    Both were confused, "im putting takemitchy under your division, i trust you wouldnt do anything to him, since you dont really know him and you wouldnt dare right, mitsuya?" Mikey showed an innocent smiled. 'If he could kiss takemitchy the first time he met him then why wouldnt i?' Mitsuya was logical but nodded.

   "There you go, takemitchy you are officially apart of touman." Mikey smiled and walked away. Droping something along the way, takemichi noticed but by the time he was going to say something mikey was gone.

   "Eh um, im excited to work with you please take care of me" takemichi bowed 'im glad i listned in' mitsuya thought "ill take good care of you" mitsuya reached for takemichis chin and smirked.

   "This will be fun" mitsuya leaned in for a kiss. 'Why again!?' Takemichi gripped mitsuyas shirt as mitsuya easily slid his tongue in playing around his surroundings. 'He's so cute, where did they find him?' He gripped takemichis waist and pulled him closer. His part rubbing a bit too dangerously close to takemichis.

   'It feels good' both thought. 'If i dont stop i might just go crazy' mitsuya didnt care though, he deppened the kiss as his hands traveled under his hoodie. Takemichi shivered and mitsuya smirked. "Mi-mitsuya-kun please stop" takemichi plead as he tried to breath. "How can i, when your like this?~" mitsuya whispered in his ear making him shiver more.

    "Lets have a little fun, yeah?" Mitsuyas hands went under takemichis hoodie holding him close to him both hips against eachother. "Ill make you feel good, something everyone else cant offer" mitsuya knew that was a lie but compared to the others he would be the best bet to make takemichi feel good while being gentle.

    Mitsuyas hands traveled everywhere, he was happy especially when he could feel takemichi shiver under him. "Wait mitsuya-kun its getting late you- you should head back" takemichi tried to reason. "Home could wait, what i want is you" takemichi blushed. The moonlight was enough to see that breath taking sight.

    Mitsuyas mouth had an open gap. Takemichis eyes were watery, his lips plumped and tinted red, his cheecks had a sweet pink blush. Mitsuya lost. He fell to the ground trying to catch his breath.

    "Eh? Mitsuya-kun!? Are you okay!?" Takemichi bent down to his level. "Yeah i um im okay, ive actually never felt better" mitsuya couldnt resist. "Mayb- mhn" mitsuya topped takemichi. He was rough and he wanted more.

    He couldnt explain how desperate he wanted takemichi. He wanted all that he could offer. He wanted his soul to emerge with takemichis and theirs souls to be stuck in a small box, no space to leave his embrace.

   "Mitsuya-kun" takemichi put his hands on mitsuyas mouth "you shouldnt be kissing me just because. You should kiss the ones you love." Takemichi explained, 'i forgot how dense and naïve this kid is' mitsuya smiled. He grabbed takemichis hand and kissed it. "Yeah yeah" mitsuya replied.

    Mitsuya stood up and smiled, 'maybe next time' he thought as he said "ill go home then, take care takemitchy~" he said as he pulled takemichi up to stand up and kissed his hand. Takemichi stood there until he saw something "huh?"

Thanks for reading, take care✌❤

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