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Noones POV
   Everyone's blood ran cold, Baji jacket was covered in blood he held on tight to Takemichi falling with him.

   "Banji-kun are you ok?" Takemichi asked "y-yeah thanks Takemichi" baji looked at the small wound it was bleeding but enough to handle. "What about you, bastard? You could've gotten hurt" baji held his face "just a scratch" Takemichi smiled.

"Don't do that again, you could've gotten seriously injured" Baji hit his head a little "haha" 'damn it hurts' Takemichi smiled holding his stomach chifuyu argued with kazutora "I'm glad you're alive" Takemichi said banji raised an eyebrow "the hell is your deal?"

Takemichi thought, how everything seemed screwed "I'm gonna crush Kisaki myself and become toman leader" Takemichi said as a matter of fact

"You against Kisaki" "so please let me join your side" Takemichi said slowly standing up trying to seem normal. Baji grabbed Takemichi from the collar. He smirked leaning in. He kissed Takemichi sliding his tongue in, baji explored the place, it was hot.

"Whatever" baji tied his hair up, "I'll beat the shit out of all of you" he started punching left and right taking down about 50 people Takemichi covered his mouth feeling a bit embarrassed and watched baji "wow what a beast" he watched.

As soon as baji was catching up to Kisaki, blood fell out. "Takemichi!?" Chifuyu held onto him "you're bleeding!? How!? We're you stabbed!? When!?" Chifuyu questioned only for him to remember. "Kazutora!!!" He glared at him.

"Takemichi!!!" Everyone looked over at the ruckus "it seems like kazutora lured baji into Valhalla so he could least expect it when he would kill him" Kisaki lied 'no that's an obvious lie' Takemichi was going to talk but blood only came out and Mikey was furious.

"I wanted to kill you for so long, but baji said that 'kazutora just wanted to make you happy, Mikey, that's why he can't accept it. Even though he killed your brother to make himself believe he wasn't the bad, kazutora had no choice but to believe you were the bad guy"

Mikey said licking his blood off him. "Mikey" draken said "this fight is over we need to take Takemichi to the hospital" "who let you decided wether the fight is over or not?" Hanma smiled but was kicked to the ground

"There, it's over" Mikey said and Hanma was knocked out on the ground. Everyone in Valhalla ran away "let's end this Mikey" kazutora glared "who will die you? Or me?" Mikey punched him across the face

"If all you can do is destroy the things I care for, I will end you" Mikey looked down on him "I won't ever let you get away with what you've done with Takemichi and what you were going to do with baji"

"Where's the damn ambulance!?" Chifuyu asked holding Takemichi wound . "Mikey" draken called out "nobody can stop Mikey now, hes aiming to kill him" Mitsuya said

'It seemed like baji also has abondon me' kazutora teared up, 'not a only did I try to kill the person who was precious to me, but I hurt Takemichi, he's innocent'

"Mikey!!!" Takemichi screamed "everyone is fine, baji has a small injury, I can get treated" Takemichi said holding that terrifying wound. "So stop that now!" Takemichi fell onto his knees

"I'll kill him" Mikey punched kazutora as everyone else was unable to do anything but stand and watch. Takemichi dragged himself in between the fight, "stop, there is no reason for you to continue this Mikey!!!" Takemichi glared.

"You have to understand kazutora didn't mean to kill your brother, he didn't want to hurt baji because he wanted to, and he didn't hurt me on purpose" Takemichi walked towards Mikey with open arms "so please forgive him" he wrapped his arms around him and rest his head on him

Takemichi body slumped "Takemitchy!" Mikey held him up. "The ambulance is almost here, right?" Mikey asked Mitsuya nodded confirming his question. "I'll be fine" Takemichi smiled "plus I have this lucky charm with me" he laughed a bit.

"That's" draken started "baji" Mitsuya ended. "Yeah that's mine alright" Baji walked towards Takemichi reaching out for the charm and Takemichi was going to hand it to him. But it fell on the floor, and so did Takemichi.

"Takemitchy!!!" Everyone gathered around "keep pressure on the wound" Mitsuya commanded "I know it's just there's so much blood." Chifuyu tried with the blood all over his hands.

"Where's the ambulance it's taking too damn long!" Draken looked around hoping to hear or see the car. "Mikey!!! What the hell!?" Baji held him back "Takemichi told you to stop and this is what you're going to do!!!?"

"Kazutora, you bastard if something happens I will come after you" mikey glared "the ambulance is here!!!" Mitsuya sighed in relief. The medics put him on a bed and put him on the ambulance "I'll go with him" Baji went inside with no one else's opinion.

   "The cops are coming" ran said "I guess we'll just have to check on, what's his name? Takemitchy? We can check on him later" rindo smiley "Ok break it up the cops are coming!!!" Lenman said

"Mikey, I won't ask you to forgive me. I will live the rest of my life with shanchiro-kun death on my shoulders and the attempt murder of baji. I will never forgive myself for hurting Takemichi, someone who I know is very important for all of you" kazutora bowed.

   There was a moment of silence "Alright, let's hurry" draken said as the other gang members nodded and followed the ambulance.

Inside the ambulance all baji could do is sit while the medics hurried. "I'm losing him" one said and baji was startled "fuck Takemichi" he held his hand. "He lost his consciousness for a sec and came back, it truly is a a miracle" the medic said as he drugged Takemichi.

"Banji-kun" Takemichi looked at him "I'm so happy your alive" he squeezed his hand "what are you saying in a moment like this?" Baji squeezed his hand and kissed it. "I'm so glad..." the machine beep in warning.

"Hurry to the operating room" Baji followed "stay strong Takemichi please stay strong!!!" Baji was shut out. All he could do is wait until the others came by.

Thank you for reading
I hope you have a sweet day
Take care ✌️❤️

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