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Noones POV
   It was awkward. And naoto was pissed. "Okay im leaving" he got up and headed towards the door. "Nooo naoto staaay!!!" Takemichi jumped for naotos leg hugging him tight, naoto struggled as he walked for the door. "Ugh l-let go" naoto looked behind at takemichi.

   "Noooo please stay i neeed yoooou!!" Takemichi begged, naoto blushed and hinata gasped loud, on accident. "W-whats wrong?" Naoto asked as both boys looked at her. "Do you perhaps have uh feelings for..." She didnt finished the sentence but that was enough to get him look like a tomatoe.

   "No!" He made sure she heard. "Whats going on? Hina you know who he likes? I thought we were buddies!? Tell me!" Takemichi only hugged tighter. Naoto only blushed more. "W-we're not buddies now let go!" Naoto tried to shake him ofd his leg.

   "You bastard!" Takemichi cried "asshole!" Naoto replied "demon!" Hinata laughed "hmm?" Takemichi wondered tears in his eyes. "You never changed did you takemichi-kun? So oblivious and funny" hinata wiped her tears from laughing and feeling happy.

   "So naoto, i should be mad at you but i do not blame you to have fallen. Just know Im not rooting for you." Hinata crossed her arms and looked away closing her eyes. "Thanks!" Naoto said with sarcasm an angry mark clearly visiable. "What why not? Well im rooting for you... I think, i havent met the person." Takemichi was confused.

   Hinata laughed as naoto only blushed more "you dumbass, let go, ill drive you guys somewhere if you want" he looked away not wanting to make eye contact. "Sure!" Hinata smiled. As they drive it was just as awkward suffocating until hinata pointed "stop the car over there" hinata commanded "what is it?" Naoto asked. "Would you like to go for a walk with me takemichi-kun?" Hinata smiled.

   They walked around "this place really takes me back. I came here with someone special on chrismas eve" she admired the lake. "He broke up with me" she stated "wow i wonder why anyone would do that?" 'I sound... Lame.' Takemichi thought. "I still wonder why i was dumped, i just dont het it. Please tell me why takemichi-kun" she looked back at him with tears.

   'Huh? What!?' "I uh i need to pee all of a sudden!" Takemichi ran to the restroom and washed his face to think straight. He walked out and bumped into someone. "Hmm~ youre not in the car? It must be my lucky day!" The man smiled. "Huh talking to himself?" 'He was kinda handsome, but a total wirdo.' He walked up to takemichi 'huh?'

   But then he saw his hand, the same tatoo he saw on that weird man he met 12 years ago 'hanma?'. "I thought i would kill ya but seems like ill be able to stalk that cute face of yours more." he held takemichis chin to look up at him.

   Hanma lean in and pecked his lips. 'its warm' he thought. Hanma let go of a confused takemichi, he smirked at his expression "see ya later" he walked away, slowly leaving takemichis sight. 'Car...?'

   Takemichi ran. As fast as he could to the car, he got there hinata was looking at a car heading right towards her. "Hina!!!" He screamed as there was a lound bang, indicating both cars have crashed.

   "Hinaaa!!!" Takemichi ran to the car "takemichi?" Someone called out, takemichi stopped in his tracks. "Haaha im happy that you werent in there" blood was dripping everywhere. "No... Akkun?" Takemichi teared up. "Where did things go wrong? Im now one of kisakis soldier. "Everyone in Toman follows kisakis orders now."

   "No no no! This cant be happening!!!" 'His saying the same stuff like before' takemichi was far more than worried, he was scared he was deceived he was in too much schock. "Im too scared. All i can do is what kisaki orders." Akkun coughed out blood. "Stop! No no this is all like before w-whats going on!!!"

   "Takemichi." Akkun couldnt look him in the eyes. "Im sorry to have done this to you. To hinata. I dont deserve yOu" his voice crack tears falling. "At the beauty salon, i shouldnt have touched you in any way because im tainted. Im worthless and someone as worthless as me does not deserve you touch you or even look you in the eyes" akkun cried.

   "i knew this would happen but i still hold you in my arms. I knew ill miss you so much... I was selfish and a coward. Yet i still want to hold you until i fAll aslEep" akkun cried takemichi held his hand "i-ill always be here for yOu" takemichi tried to hold in his tears. "Please save them all, i know our crybaby hero can do that" akkun smiled. "Akk-" suddenly the truck exploded sending takemichi flying.

   "A-akKun!?" Takemichis voice cracked when he remembered hinata. "Hina!!!" He ran towards her car. "Hina!" He screamed at the car door. She opened her eyes slowly. 'Shes alive!. "Just wait ill get you out of here!" Takemichi punched the window of the car. He reached his hands towards her. "The fires spreading we gotta go now!" He reached more "takemichi-kun?" Hinata sounded a bit confused and tired.

   "Theres no time to talk! The cars about to explode!" Takemichi screamed louder as if it would help things move faster. "...Thank you" hinata said. "You can thank me later!!! Hurry!" He reached more for her. "I cant" she said, her words paused time itself. "Huh?" He questioned.

   "I lost all feeling... In my legs" his heart dropped as he saw how from the waist down everything was just blood. Takemichi jumped in and hugged her tight "huh?" Now she was the confused one. "From years ago" he stated "and from now on and much more beyond i have always and will always love you" his voice cracked and tears of sadness have fallen onto hinata soon to dry of with so much heat.

   "Im glad" hinata teared up and enjoyed this special moment. "Leave... Now." She commanded. "No..." He hugged tighter. "Please i dont want someone thats precious to me... To everyone, to die here with me" hinatas voice shaked. "Never" he held onto her, when suddenly hinata heard a roar it came from the fire. She pushed him, he fell backwards the last thing he saw was that beautiful smiled disappear in flames.

   Boom was ringing in his ears. He turned to the ground in defeat tears not stoping at all. "Aaaagh!!!" He cried out in pain, in fear, for help. He stood up, tears unable to dry no matter how close he stood next to the fire. "Ill save you!!! No matter how many times i fail no matter how many tries it takes!!!" He stared into the fire the wind cooled him down as if trying to sooth him.

   "Ill never quit... Not until both of you live. So please just wait for me ill come home soon." Takemichi let the air go through his hair he turned around a forloan feeling was there at the truck and the car.

   'Ill do it...' "Ill become the top guy in toman." Takemichi walked away, the tears flew away by the wind, he no longer had sadness in his eyes but he did had determination.

Take care✌❤

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