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Noones POV
   "Well for now ill be at my apartment to do some research, you go and relax you need it" naoto was driving "wait but i can-" takemichi was cut off "no buts you gotta take care of yourself here and then, look try out that cafe" naoto stopped at the store.

   'I dont have time for this! I need to go back and save everyone' takemichi was feeling anxious. "Calm down i promise you no one will die today i know that much, though i have to go to work tomorrow in the morning we'll discuss the situation." Naoto waved bye as a sad takemichi looked at him like a sad puppy who was being abondoned.

   "Ugh dont make that face! Ill see you tomorrow!" He shouted through the car window blushing red speeding off. Takemichi sighed out 'i could do more thinking in this cafe' takemichi looked at it 'alright lets go' he entered the place. Ordered whatever and took his seat. Once the order came someone sat infront of him.

   "Hey~" takemichi look up from his cake. "H-hanma!?" 'Isnt he the guy whose always with kisaki?!' Takemichi screamed in his head. "Oh so you do know me!" He smiled as innocent as it can get. "W-what are you doing here!?" Takemichi was cautious.

   "Its been so long and your asking me that? I feel hurt" hanma acted. "What are you talking about? We've never really talked!?" Takemichi gave a scared look. "Haha your so cute~" hanmas right elbow was on the table his hand holding his head as he leaned in.

   "Waiter" hanma called his 'friendly' smile disappeared as he looked at the waiter. "What would you like takemitchy?" Hanma smiled again as he made eye contact with takemichi. "I-im good, i dont want anything" takemichi studdered out. "Hm~? Waiter buy get me a dozen cakes 2 of these" hanma pointed at the cakes "and 1 chocolate milkshake, 1 strawberry yogurt smoothy, and 1 americano" hanma smiled looking at takemichi who was confused.

   "Yes sir would that be all?" The waiter asked "yes" hanma kept on staring at takemichi who was slowly turning away and wrapped around his arms. "Do you like any of the drinks ive ordered? I heard they're delicious" hanma leaned in. "Y-yeah theyre okay" takemichi did not know what in the hell is going on.

   "Heres the cake and drinks sir" the waiter put down all the piece of cakes and drinks. "Here have some i ordered too much" hanma slid the cake to takemichi who slowly lowered his guard. 'Then why the hell did he ordered so much!? Is he dumb?' Thought he didnt question it too much cuz as soon as the cake was infront of him he made sure to eat all of it.

   "Here im not a big fan of this one, oh and turns out the americano isnt the one i wanted, and we dont want it to go to waste now do we?" Hanma handed him the coffee "uh okay" takemichi ate the cake like it were the last one. "You sure are enjoying it huh?" Hanma smiled as he started at takemichi devouring his cake.

   "Yeah its really good, the way the cake is so soft and airy sweet but not too sweet whipped cream is great. The straberries are super sweet and soft not at all sour-" takemichi was cut off my small muffled laughs. "Whats funny?" He asked seriously "oh? Sorry i wasnt making fun i just thought it was cute~"

   Before takemichi could feel weirded out hanma asked "Dont you think your a bit too skinny?" He was looking at him. "Hm? No not really why do i look like that?" Takemichi look down at himself. "Mm~ forget about that. Here have a cake" hanma pushed another slice of cake. Takemichi forgot to be on guard he savored the cake with a nice smile and a face clearly satisfied.

   Hanma smiled to himself but then the smile disappeared. "Takemichi." Hanma reached out for his hand. "You need to run away" 'what the hell is going on?' Takemichi was clearly confused. "I know i havent been the best. But i dont want you to be in trouble" hanma was sincere. "What are you talking about?" Takemichi no longer knew what to do.

   "Heres the plan ill try everything in my power to protect you and everyone you care for. Ill buy you the house the car everything in a secluded area... Though that bastard, kisaki, if he cant have you no one can. He wants you dead takemichi. Thats what i mean." Hanma looked takemichi in the eyes.

   "Ill help you with everything i promise that everyone you love will live. I... I didnt know about that tachibana girl until the very last minute but i promise i will save you" hanma gripped takemichis hand. 'Well in the end ill be going to the past so it doesnt matter what i say here, does it?' Takemichi opened his mouth.

   "Okay ill go. Ill go wherever you plan on taking me. Just let me stay here for about 3 more days." Hanma smiled at that response. "Im glad to hear that, let me take you home~ its getting quite late" hanma stood up "waiter ill take these to go" he grabbed takemichis hand and helped him out of his seat.

   "Here you go sir" the waiter handed him the check and the bags. "Here." Hanma paid "wait let me pay i basically ate al-" hanma placed his hand on takemichis hands that hold his wallet. "Ita fine. Lets go" by the time takemichi wanted to protest hanma had already opened the door for him.

   "Ill treat you sometime" takemichi walked out sadly noticing his wallet wasnt as thick as he thought. "Its a date then." Hanma smirked to himself as he lit up a cigarette. He opened the passengers seat takemichi entered the luxurious car. "I live-" "i know" hanma puffed out "what why woul-" "anyways did you like the coffe?" He asked as he rolled down the window. "Yeah its actually one of my favorites" takemichi smiled.

   "Thats good to know, what about the cake?" "The cake was good too all of them had their own flavor it was really good. Though i just noticed you ordered a lot and havent even tried one" takemichi felt bad. "Suddenly i felt like not eating then the cake came in so you did me a favor" hanma tried to come up with excuses.

   "And sadly we're here" hanma got out of the car and opened the cars door for takemichi. "Here take this with you" hanma put the left over cakes in takemichis hands. "What but thes-" "the date is enough for the payment" hanma took out his cig from his mouth. "Ah okay well then ill go now" takemichi walked past him.

   "Wait" hanma reached out for him, he grabbed takemichi and extinguished the cigarettes fire on his wrist. "Ow what the hell?" Takemichi teared up a bit. "You probably think of this like bad punishment, though" hanma said in a low whisper he looked away a faint blush across his face.

   "Its nice to mark you..." He looked at takemichi watered eyes "permanently." Hanma rubed his neck. Takemichi looked confused which made hanma smirk at his confusion he leaned his head towards the wrist and kissed it. "Ill see you later, then" he drove off.

   "What the hell is going on?" Takemichi wondered back to his place. 'Why would kisaki take down touman? Why would hanma help me? What is the cause of all of this!?' "I..." Takemichi sighed out "i dont understand."

Take care everyone
Im sending you lots of love✌❤

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