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Noones POV
   And with a few more punches Pah passed out standing up. Before he fell onto the ground, mikey catched him. "Sorry mikey, im a pussy" he said "what are you saying pachin, listen." Everyone listened "you havent lost" and with that they continued to fight. Mikey was beating them along side with draken. "Mikey!" Draken screamed as he saw someone heading towards mikey with a broken glass bottle. "No draken!" Takemitchi screamed. Draken saved himself as he doged the attack very well.

   "Awww were you worried for me takemitchy~?" Draken asked staring at him. "That was dangerous" takemitchi said. "Sorry sweetheart ill try not to worry you so much" draken said. "Osanai... ill tell you why youve lost. You strayed from the path of a true delinquent. You attacked someones parent and raped his girlfriend, things only scums would do. Next time any of you try this shit. Ill hunt every one of you and kill you myself." Draken said and looked into the crowed. "Youre boss was beaten by our boss, Mikey! Got a problem with that!? If not, moebius will be affiliated with tokyo manji gang!"

   They heared the cops. "Shit the cops." "Are they here to celebrate our victory?" Peh asked and mikey laughed. "Lets get out of here takemitchy~" mikey smiled at him "o-okay" he said. "Hey assholes someone take osanai dont just escape on your own" draken said 'the i missing something here?' Takemitchi thought as he was running... Pah stabbed osanai. "Your not getting off so easy" he pushed the knife harder and twisted it. Draken pushed pah away. "What the fuck are you doing!" He said.

   "Pah you just-" "he stabbed him?" "Pah-chin where did he get a knife?" Draken dropped down "osanai! Osanai!" "Pah lets go!" Mikey screamed "take care of 3rd division, im giving myself up" Pah said. "Like hell you ar-" mikey was dragged by draken "no i wont leave him! Pah come with us!" Soon, the warehouse was invaded by police. And pah wasnt able to leave. "AAAAHh Fuck why did it end up like this!?" Peh said. 'Crap im gonna...' Takemitchi passed out and fell to the floor.

   "Takemitchy!! Hey take- are you okay!?" Mikey asked worried for takemitchi who wasnt responding to him "Hey Takemitchy!" Draken looked at him he got down and rolled him over. "I-i think his gonna be alright he looks like he passed out" draken said in relief. "O-okay ill carry him to the hospital" mikey said putting him on his back. "Hurry up and run!" Mikey commanded.

   "Ah emma-chan..." He looked at her "pervert" she said as takemitchi still had his hands on her "AH! W-wait that was on complete accident!" He said. "Where are mikey-kun and the others?" He asked and emma stayed silent but her eyes began to tear up. "Draken and mikey started to fight" she said tears falling down her cheek. "Why are they fighting?" He asked "idk, but its getting worse. Now theres a mikey side and a draken side, touman is ripped apart" she responded.

   "They were talking about wether or not Pah should have been arrested" she sobbed and layed her head onto his lap. "Takemichi are you alrigh-" ... "What the!? Thats disgusting" hina said. "Wha is?... N-no! Its not what you think it is!"

   And after the incident, takemitchi worked on a 2,005 piece puzzled and finished it. His friends came by to vist. "We all came by to visit, and your not even hurt no more" yagamish said.

   "Oh yeah i recovered pretty fast....AAAH!! Dont touch that it took me 3 days to finish!!!" Takemitchi said with horror on his face. The guys were just staring at the puzzle "You sure have a lot of free time" they said. "The doc said i couldnt leave the house... Oh right! Have Mikey-kun and Draken-kun been fighting?" Takemitchi asked.

   Akkun sighed "yeah sooner or later toman will be split in two" it was quiet takemitchi looked serious. "Bhaaha!" They all laughed. "Hm? W-whats going on?" Takemitchi asked. "There fighting sure, but its no diffrent from usual" He smiled. "Takuya! Your the nicest one! Why would you fool around like that?" Takemitchi said shaking him. "Hahaha its not my fault you make cute expressions" Takuya smiled. "Haha besides mikey-kun and draken-kun would never get into a big argument" yamagish said.

   "Who'd you say, is arguing with who?" Draken said walking in the room. "Draken-kun!?" They said. "Came to check up on you" He smiled "i bought watermelon sit down" he said at the crowd of obedient kids. "Yes! Sir" they said. "Mm takemitchy you have a watermelon seed there" akkun said reaching out to take it off. "Oh thanks" takemitchi smiled. A slice of watermelon was thrown across the room and hit akkuns nose. They looked at the culprit who had an angry mark on his forehead. "Dont touch my property" It was a low venomous voice.

   "Last time i checked Takemitchi didnt belong to anyone." Akkun said with a smile and courage yet an angry mark appearing on his forehead as well. "This bastard!" Draken said. "Takemitchy i get his your friend but next time he touches you in any way, ill turn him into a punching bag" Draken said. "Haha y-you guys are playing, right?" It was silent. Takemitchi gulped. "A-anyways hows mikey-kun doin-" there was a loud bang on the table.

   "That bastard hes so full of shit!" "AAAAGH!!" Takemitchi cried out. "Ah sorry" Draken said looking at the destroyed puzzle. "3 days of work down the drain!!!" He cried, "Wait a damn minute, i shouldnt have to apologize for this" draken said with an angry mark. "Y-yeah your cool, i-itz cool" draken got up. "You know what? i think i am sorry, and as an apology ill give you all the kisses you want" he smiled big.

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