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Takemichi POV
Today is the day. Valhalla vs Touman, the day we bring back banji-kun!!!

Noones POV
Chifuyu arm hanged around Takemichi shoulder, 'seems like I'm having him to myself today' he smiled like an idiot. 'Why's he so smiley today, we're fighting Valhalla. Actually that's good!!! Confidence is good, I'm glad you're confident chifuyu' he smiled at him

Chifuyu doesn't know what he did to make Takemichi happy but he was happy he made him happy. "What's with those people?" Takemichi threw his head towards the people of questioning. "Specters whoever wins this fight will be one step closer to winning over Tokyo"

"Like those guys are the hantani brothers" chifuyu stated "they have nice hair" Takemichi commented "mines better and softer and fluffier" chifuyu said as a matter of fact. "The fatty over there is leanman-" he was cut off

"Alright I'm hansen from the ikeburo criminal black members and I'll be the overseer" "overseer?" Takemichi questioned "basically referee everyone who isn't in Valhalla or Toman are here to watch" chifuyu looked at takemichi and Takemichi looked back

Chifuyu went for a peck "a good luck kiss" he smiled "wha what!?" Takemichi was a blushing mess "toman and Valhalla step forward" hansen said as everyone came in.

Mikey saw Takemichi and waved and Takemichi did the same 'ugh now everyone's eyes are on me' Takemichi was embarrassed.

"Takemichi get over here" Mikey commanded and Takemichi followed as chifuyu took his arm around him feeling glares from many. "Glad you're here" Mikey held his wait "wouldn't miss it for the world" Takemichi smiled.

"Gimme a goodluck kiss" Mikey stated "right now!? This isn't exactly the right time and what's with all of you wanting a kiss?" Takemichi pushed away or at least tried to.

"Who asked for a kiss?" Mikey glared "that's not the problem!!!" "Weirdos" hansen whispered "alright toman and Valhalla representatives step to the front!!" He continued as draken and kazutora met in the middle.

"Choose how you want to fight" hansen gave them the option "Kazutora you choose we only came here for keisuke baji and we will get him" draken stated pissing off kazutora "he came here with his own free will" "we only came here for baji" draken glared "you think you got shit?"

"Hey don't start punching yet-" the referee was punch on the spot. "Oh hell nah" "whaat!?" There were whispers "you think this is a battle in the ring!? Get that shit outta here we came here to torture you guys to the death!!!"

"Let's go Toman!!!" Hanma said running towards Mikey "shit where's banji-kun!?" Takemichi let go of Mikey as Mikey headed towards Hanma. Takemichi was going to look around for baji "woah were do you think your going?" Hanma hugged him from behind licking his ear.

Takemichi shivered, "what kind of fighting style is that?" He backed away "the one you'll enjoy at night" Hanma smirked "get away from him bastard!!" Mikey kicked as Hanma dodged.

"You think you can beat Mikey? You're nowhere near his level" draken stated stoping kazutora punch meant for Mikey. Hanma suddenly kicked him away "look all I'm interested in is that cute dude you have he can't even fight, see if it were me I wouldn't let him get hurt" Hanma stated.

"Takemitchy doesn't need your protection nor anyone else's he can handle himself, and he would never give in to you, so even if you want him you can't have him" draken stated "let's see if that's true" Hanma cracked his knuckles "Mikey's yours kazutora"

"Seems like Takemitchy sure has a good impact on everyone" kazutora smiled as he threw punches "yeah he does, his presence itself is enough to give everyone hope" Mikey dodged. "Just wait Mikey one day he will never be yours again" kazutora landed a hit

Mikey kicked his head "no way in hell will I let you take him away from him, he is my hope my one and only light so you'll have to kill me first!"

'Where's banji!?!?' Takemichi looked everywhere "eyes over here bitchass" only to be punched by the other gang members. "Oh shit!!! I'm dead meat' he thought only to feel nothing "get up Takemitchy" Mitsuya gave his hand

"You dumbass" he grabbed his collar pulling him closer and pushed his tongue in. 'What!? This is oddly nice' he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. "Fuck I gotta stop" Mitsuya whispered against Takemichi lips.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Mitsuya punched some other guys heading towards him. "We're in the middle of a brawl, your part of my team right!? So fucking act like it" he beat some other guys.

"Quit gawking around and fight!!!" He slam some other guy "you can pay me later" he smiled at takemichi "I- I don't know about that but, you're right!!!" He was pumped up 'fuck he's so cute' Mitsuya put his aggressiveness in his punch almost killing the guy.

'I can't achieve anything if I get taken out, gotta focus on the enemy infront of me!!!' Two appeared infront of him.

'Wait wait wait I take that back!!! How am I supposed to fight them!? A low level punk like me against real delinquents!? I can't do it it's too scary!!!' Takemichi teared up, "I know it's scary for your fist time" chifuyu was behind Takemichi.

Then he blushed 'these words could be used during that time' chifuyu thought "just focuse on the person right infront of you" 'fuck, that doesn't make it better!!!' He screamed inside.

"Everyone gets scared during a fight, it just depends on how they handle it" 'there fixed it?' Chifuyu thought "I got your back, partner" he said as one person was coming for him 'I won't step in, I won't step in' chifuyu thought wanting to step in.

Thanks for reading
Take care I hope you have a cute day ✌️❤️

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