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Noones POV
   'Naoto said that a fight between draken and mikey will break out but they seem too compatible to be able to do that' takemichi said as he was munching on his fries with a ~ shaped lips. "Kenchin it doesnt have the flag!" Mikey said. "Im sorry" the waiter apoligized and panicked. "Look mikey theres a flag on it" draken said putting one on. "Wow hehe" mikey said and ate his food. The waiter bowed and left.

   'Yeah theres no way thats possiable' takemichi thought eating his fries. "TakeMitchy~ what are you doing looking cute like that" draken asked, "i was thinking about how good the fries here are" takemichi said unbothered. Draken smiled, and mikey asked "can i have some?" Takemitchi noddeed his head since he had a fry in his mouth. Mikey grabbed takemichis head and pulled him into a kiss. He stole takemichis fry and ate it. "Yeah its good" mikey said like he hadnt done anything to piss off draken. Takemitchi was just in the corner of the seat hidding his face.

   "Mikey you bastard! You asked for a fry not a kiss!" Draken said pulling mikeys shirt. "Yeah i got me a fry and a kiss while i was at it" mikey simply said. Angry marks appeared on drakens head, he seemed pretty annoyed "tch whatever" draken said he gripped takemichis cheeks and kissed him. "Now we're even" draken smirked stealing a fry and dipped it in ketchup.

   'And even after this i still do believe they wouldnt fight' takemitchi thought blushing in the corner. 'Now this is really embarrassing!' He thought. "Tch takemitchy if you keep on looking like that theres no way of telling how far we'll go with you" draken said staring deeply into takemitchis eyes. "W-wha? well its not my fault! stop doing and saying such things, its embarrassing" he said hidding his face. "Ugh i think i might die from a heart attack" Draken said laying his blushed face down with his arms around his head. "Takemitchy your just too good, its your fault for being that way" mikey said.

   "That makes no sense!?" Takemichi said, "leave mikey alone his reasons are like those of a toddler" draken said picking his head up. "Ill pay the bill, its getting late you guys should be sleeping theres lots to think about" takemitchi said taking out his wallet. "Its fine ill pay" draken said taking out his wallet. "N-no i can pay" takemichi said. "I said ill. Pay." Draken said sending a scary aura towards takemitchi.

   "I would say ill pay but i dont have money" mikey said ". . ." then takemitchi laughed "haha maybe next time" he smiled 'cute~' both mikey and draken thought. "Okay ive paid lets go home" draken said walking back to the table. "Yeah about that, mikey-kun slept when you went to go pay" takemitchi said scraching the side of his chin. Draken sighed "that idiot always sleeping after a meal" takemitchi picked him up and gave a piggy back ride.

   "I could take him home, im not that tired, i could use some walking to take out some energy" takemitchi said adjust mikey behind him. "Sure, ill take you to his place" draken said. They head out of the restaurant takemitchi carring mikey and draken walking next to him hands in his pockets.

   "Mitchy" draken said "yes?" Takemitchi asked. "The battle is just around the corner whatever happens make sure you live, these gang stuff can get crazy, not to mention your no good at fighting and it is your first battle" draken said. "...Well you didnt have to call me out like that, ... ill be fine" takemitchi said 'i should be worried' he thought. "The day that starts we need to whoop their asses" draken said. Takemichi smiled "... But dont you think they are too much for us? The possibility of beating them is very low."

   Draken looked serious "ill just follow mikeys orders until the end" takemitchi bit his lip quite hard it started to bleed. 'Damn i need this fight to stop' "Do you think we'll lose?" Draken asked "...yeah, they have more men than us not to mention i heard they play dirty, arent you the bit least concern? What if... something were to happen to mikey-kun or you maybe even someone dear to us outside the gang, arent you scared youll lose someo-" he was cut off by drakens tongue down his throat. Draken kissed him until takemitchi step back from him.

   "Dont worry about mikey or me or anyone else. We chosed to enter this kind of path so we know whats to come and we're ready for that." Draken said holding takemitchi's face in between his hands. "As long as you are there to help us, we wont ever take a turn, we will always move forward" draken said and kissed takemitchis forehead. "Okay.." Takemitchi said.

   "Lets go, mikeys house is just around here" draken said walking forward and takemitchi walked behind. "He lives here?" Takemitchi asked looking at the work place. "Yeah this was his brothers workshop, and mikey decided to live in it" draken said. Takemitchi put down mikey onto the couch but mikey didnt want to let go. "Uh? M-mikey-kun are you awake?" It was silent "please let go of me" Takemitchi tugged on the arms around him.

   "Nooo, sleep with me takemitchy~" mikey said pulling him, making him fall onto him. "Mikey let go of takemitchy, he needs to get home, have you forgot the meeting we have tomorrow?" Draken asked 'meeting?' Takemitchi thought. Mikey pouted "fine, c'mere takemitchy~" mikey grabbed his face and kissed him, he slid his tongue in and played with takemitchis tongue and found his sweet spot "Mgh" he let go and smiled. "Go  takemitchy~ before i eat you" takemitchi got up and left "bye bye" mikey said 'theres too much to worry about, i dont have time to think about a kiss' takemitchi thought walking home.

I hope you have a great day
Take care!

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