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Happy birthday takemichi!
This chapter was inspired by a fan art.

There was a meeting with everyone. "We all know why were here" inupi said. "This is a special day and no one can say otherwise. We all know how special this someone is and we have to make this day special." Koko said. "As a childhood friend of take-chan, i will get the food here and prepare the decorations at the abondoned warehouse. If you want to know what type of present he wants i suggest asking me" kaku said.

"I have a plan for keeping takemitchy busy!" Mikey said. Everyone looked unsatisfied. "Chifuyu, Draken, Banji, Mitsuya, and hakkai, you guys will go with Mikey and make sure he doesnt fuck up" kaku said. The 5 of them nodded. "I never fuck up" mikey mumbled as draken patted his back. "As for you girls, i need your eyes and help me decorate the warehouse is that okay?" Hinata, Emma, and Yazu nodded.

"Wait who let that bastard be incharge?" Peh asked. "I did, since ive known takemichi longer so i have that precious privilege." Kaku said. "Inupi and Koko you take care of recording this precious day, while izana you..." Kaku stared at a izana who was sitting there smiling "uh you do you just dont mess anything up" kaku said. "Smiley and angry you guys will make the ramen, i heard he loved your ramen" they smiled to the praise angry looked angrier since he was super happy "lucky bastards i could make better ramen" mitsuya said "yeah yeah you wish, takemichi will only be asking for ours" smiley said taking out his tongue.

"As for the rest of you... Just dont fuck things up" kaku said clapped and dismissed everyone. "Okay mikey, this is the plan we will have a normal day dont mention anything that could let takemicchi know about this do you understand?" Draken asked. "Yeah yeah i know!" Mikey said getting up and walking away. "Damn, something tells me this aint gonna go as planned" banji said. They all sighed.

Once they got there they knocked. And takemichi answered. He suddenly looked worried, "what happen? Did someone got hurt? Was it izana, angry, pah and peh?" He looked worried putting on his shoe quickly. They looked surprised and then laughed. "Takemitchy~ your so sweet, worring about others and ready to run to the hospital" hakkai said. "Haha your worried face was nice to see" banji said. "Huh? Then whats going on?" Takemichi asked. "What is it weird for lovers to come see their wifey?" Draken asked. "Lover?...wifey?" Takemichi questioned. "Im kidding~ unless..." Draken said looking at takemichi.

"Uh haha, either way i guess its not but why is there so many people usually only one of you would come and drag me to the hang out why is everyone here?" Takemichi asked. 'He's oblivious to our love but observant when it comes to details like these either way...' Chifuyu thought with a tired face. 'We already fucked up' they all thought. "We were just walking by thats all" mitsuya said with a smile dragging takemichi out with by the hand. "Oh okay then what are we going to do?" Takemichi asked.

"Lets go get some breakfast!" Mikey said. "Oh hold up let me get my wallet" takemichi said going back inside. "No!" They all said. "Why?" Takemichi asked startled. "B-because Koko said we could use his money" chifuyu said. "Why would Coco do that? He doesnt like sharing his money, especially... yeah all of you" takemichi having a face of suspicion. 'God damn it we fucked up again!' They all thought. "Takemitchy~ lets just go, we are wasting timeeee!!!" Mikey said pulling him.

"Yeah lets go takemitchy im hungry" hakkai smiled. "Uh okay?" Takemichi had his arm locked in mikeys arm and drakens. "Draken-kun your hair braid seems messed up" takemichi said looking up to him. "Oh does it? How about you fix it for me when we sit down at the restaurant?" Draken smiled "dont expect it to be the best" takemichi said. 'It looks like its my birthday' draken thought smiling stupidly. 'lucky bastard' everyone thought. "I want my hair braided too!" Banji said "Yeah ill do it, ive always wanted to touch your hair!" Takemichi said looking excided. 'Hehe he always wanted to touch my hair' banji smiled proudly.

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