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Noones POV
   The doctor standed there, everyone held their breath as it was hard to breath with a thick atmosphere. Mikey gripped takemichis hand and takemichi did the same. Takemichi held mikeys hand inbetween both of his and smiled, mikey smiled back. "Im very sorry" the doctor said looking at the ground, unable to look at their faces.

   All hope was lost.

   "We tried our best. And we're afraid we couldnt do much for him..." the doctor looked at them, everyone was tearing up if not already. "Just" the doctor paused and everyone listened "kidding!" He laughed at their expression. "Man thats not funny!" Peh was angry. "Nevermind that!" Takemichi stood up. "Draken-kuns alive! Fuck yeah!" Takemichi hugged mikey really tight. Mikey did the same.

   "Yeah his alive" mikey whispered into takemichis neck. "Jeez keep it down" mitsuya wiped a tear "aaah hina!" Emma cried into her. "Im glad everything is alright" hinata hugged her. "Lets go tell all the guys from touman who are waiting outside!" Mitsuya pulled takemichi, held his hand and smiled at him. Takemichi returned it.

   "We have to get you patched up" mitsuya saw his hand. "Maybe later" takemichi smiled and followed mitsuya but then stopped. "Hm? Peh-yah-kun?" Takemichi looked at him. Mitsuya stoped as well. "I- i cant face them" peh whispered. "You did what you did for pah-chins sake. They all know that" mitsuya stated.

   "But draken was the most concerned one. When pah-chin parents went to visit, he went along. But since only relatives were allowed, draken stayed outside the whole meeting. Thats the guy you tried to kill" mitsuya ended.

   "You better apologize to draken and pah-chin. To everybody" mitsuya gave him a glance "good to have you back peh-yah" he said and left dragging takemichi. "Lets get you patched up takemitchy, wouldnt want your wound to get infected" mitsuya said grabbing some gauze and alcohol on the way out. "Okay ill trust you" takemichi smiled.

   "Alright sit down" mitsuya pointed at the hospital bed in the empty room and takemichi sat down. "Imma splash some alcohol, its gonna hurt like a bitch but walk it off" mitsuya said opening the bottle.

   "Mitsuya-kun you cant just say that. Your not the one whose gonna feel it. How about i get a nurse or doc-" mitsuya splashed the alcohol all over. "Aagh fuck! What the hell!!?? Damn, i told you ill get a doctor" takemichi winced gripping his wrist. Mitsuya laughed.

   "Im the best doctor youll ever have" mitsuya smiled as he wrapped the gauze around. "Y-yeah i doubt that. In fact, i think ill still have to see a doc to get this professionally done" takemichi put emphasis.

   "Well if you dont want to hurt anymore" mitsuya tied it "maybe be more careful" he let go. He grabbed takemichis head and stared at his night sky eyes filled with losts of hope, he relaxed. "You gotta self perserve" mitsuya leaned in. He put his lips against takemichis soft ones.

   Once he gave a kiss he wanted more. From leaning to one side to another he eventually slid his tongue.

   Takemichi gripped mitsuya's jacket. 'Damn, thats cute.' Mitsuya thought as takemichi gripped harder not wanting to fall back. But mitsuya had other plans.

   He pushed takemichi back and topped him. "M-mitsuya-kun, what are you doing?" Takemichi gripped mitsuyas shirt harder. Mitsuya leaned down and kissed takemichi and let go. "Dont worry. We dont know eachother much yet so i wont go far. But i will not let mikey or draken take you away from me."

   Mitsuya gave him a small smile to reassure takemichi. "The thing is the fist time i saw you i thought you were really cute" mitsuya laughed a bit as takemichi covered his face with his hands. "Dont hide from me~" mitsuya smirked as he took off the hands from takemichis face.

   "No body can compare to you. You may not be the strongest but you are the most determine, toughest, caring and modest person ive ever met. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone like you" mitsuya kissed takemichi rough.

   His hand traveled from takemichis neck all the way to his waist. "Mn" takemichi let out noises that made mitsuya go crazy. He gripped takemichi tight from his waist and slid his tongue. 'its getting hot' mitsuya thought as he kissed takemichi deeper.

   Takemichi pushed a bit and mitsuya bit his lip, which started to bleed, before he was no longer kissing takemichi. "Mitsuya-kun i- i need to breath" takemichi looked up at him with glossy red lips and a pink tint brushed across his face.

   Mitsuya's eyes widened, he blushed furiously. He got off of takemichi and helped him sit up. "Okay but make sure you dont show that face to anyone but me understand!?" Mitsuya held takemichis hands. "What face?" Takemichi tilted his head confused, making mitsuya blush more and he looked away. "Nevermind just try not to let others kiss you unless its me"

   Takemichi was confused, 'easier said than done. Those guys are way stronger than i am. Hell if i were strong i probably wouldve put up a good fight' takemichi trailed off into his thought. Mitsuya sighed, he got up and gripped takemichis hand, his thumb rubbing against the back of takemichis hand. "Lets go" mitsuya dragged him out kissing his hand.

   "Wow the rain let up." Hinata watched the sky  "Oh no! Look at the time, its pass 12" hinata saw her watch, "its August 4th now" emma added. Takemichi teared up, "Naoto." He whispered 'i made it! August 3rd is over i succeeded in my mission to save draken-kun!!!' He thought squatting down in hidding his excitement.

   'Hm?' "what the?" 'wheres mikey-kun?' He wondered running around. "Thats weird. Where did he go? Hm?" He looked around "ah!" He found mikey. Takemichi smiled "Mik-" he stopped mid way. He saw mikey fall, he cried. "Thank god. Kenchin" mikey slid his hair.

   '...He put on a brave face for us. To help cheer everyone.' He sighed 'Thats right- the one who was hurt more by drakens death was mikey-kun' "dont worry me like that" mikey said. Takemichi hid as well as his frown. 'Maybe i should let him be' he walked away. Not knowing if he had interacted in this moment, he could have saved mikey from drowning in his sorrows.

Sorry this was short
Take care❤✌

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