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(This is an old chapter Idk if I ever published it but here to help and prepare all of you of the outcome thats bound to happen)

Please play the song while reading :)

Noones POV
There standed Takemichi, unable to say anything or do anything. "Where are you guys going" he saw as everyone was walking away into a light he couldn't reach.

"Guys don't leave, please wait" Takemichi teared up "chifuyu, banji-kun, Mitsuya-kun, Mikey-kun, Hakkai, Draken-kun" he tried reaching them.

But his legs seem to sink, "wait no, help me don't go!!!" Takemichi reached "please help I need you guys, I tried I really have tried so please help me" he tried to reason, giving excuses so he could live. He wants to live but does he deserve it?

"No I really did try, so please help me just this once only today I promise I'll do better" he muttered and gave up letting the ground drown him the only thing left was an ocean of his tears. He gasped.

"Takemitchy!!!" Mikey hugged him tight, "Damn that was a scare" draken commented "shit we were really gonna lose our shit" Mitsuya ruffled his hair "shit Takemitchy maybe next time your gonna do something like that maybe give us a heads up" Baji said

"Takemichi!!!" Hakkai and angry cried hugging eachother. "What happened?" Takemichi felt a headache, they're was a bandage around his head and his left arm was broken, "you tried protecting us during a fight but they played dirty, five against one" draken hands clenched. "Wait so nobodies hurt?" Takemichi asked eyes shining

"Idiot, you did!!! Don't do that again" chifuyu lightly punched takemichis arm, taking into consideration that Takemichi was not physically well. "Captain" inupi along with kokonoi greeted their captain "we brought you some sweets since we're sure you'll want some." Koko said as inupi showed the sweet

"Im glad you're awake, we were really worried as long as many of the other members" inupi mentioned opening the box of dessert and gave Takemichi a spoon. Takemichi took it and took a bite, he took another one and another one.

"Slow down captain, will yo-" kokonoi was cut off by tears rolling down his captain's chubby soft smooth cheek. "Takemitchy?" Mikey questioned "no need to hold in your tears" draken smiled "you are our crybaby we couldn't expect anything less" chifuyu smiled while some laughed a bit "yeah chifuyus right"

Baji said patting takemichis head, "I'm crying cuz the foods good nothing more nothing less" he cried as he chewed on the sweet. He lied again, he lied because he couldn't wrap his head around the situation. Every situation.

No matter how many times he tries he can't seem to save them all, he wants them to at least be living, is that too much to ask for. But he couldn't tell them, because if he did, he's not sure what could happen.

So he lied, because if you lie enough to the point you believe then it will become the truth, right? Though the crew could tell that something was off, Takemichi wasn't crying because he was happy or the food was too tasty. They could tell something was wrong.

"Hey what's up?" Chifuyu put a hand on his shoulder, the others watched Takemichi cry and it hurt. "Guys" Takemichi stated

"No matter what happens I will make sure you guys live a long life, ok?" He tried to hold in his tears "are you dumb? We decide that" Mitsuya said "I guess I am dumb, because I won't let you guys decide it, I will protect you guys with my life" that was probably the most genuine response they have ever heard from him.

"Haha Takemichi don't be like that, that's scary, if anything we might all just throw our life for you" Hakkai tried to lighten the mood. Only for Takemichi to look at him "but I'm not lying nor am I joking because I will protect all of you"

"Takemitchy what are you saying?" Mikey looked at him, concern in his eyes "nothing but the truth" he responded "kids it's time for you guys to go home, visiting hours are over" the nurse said "right" draken said looking over at takemichi who only seemed to cry.

"Can't we stay longer?" Chifuyu asked not wanting to leave Takemichi in that state. "I'm sorry but you need to go" she said "I see" Mitsuya frowned and so did the others they said their goodbyes only to not be replied.

And so time went on, they only grew closer to Takemichi but Takemichi doesn't seem to understand he has given enough. He has done the best he could but that doesn't stop him from being selfless and stop his lack of self-preserve.

Sometimes the gang thought he would save someone so he could die. But that wasn't it, it was too complicated to express through words, it's just too hard in general.

"No stooop!!!!" Draken screamed as the others looked at the person who shot the bullet. "Takemitchy!!!!" Mitsuya held Takemichi close "no no no, there's too many bullet wounds" Mitsuya tried his best to put pressure everywhere.

"T-that hurts Mitsuya-kun" Takemichi said as others beated the man who shot at their Takemichi. Once they were done they headed to Takemichi. "How is he Mitsuya!!!?" Mikey asked rushing towards them. "He's bleeding too much"

Takemichi looked at Mitsuya 'he sure is acting different, he's usually calm and collective but what's with this he's a mess' Takemichi smiled "haha why are you crying Mitsuya?" Takemichi held his cheek. "Takemitchy youre probably dizzy, please don't talk" Mitsuya cried

"Takemitchy" Mikey held his hand, the warmth slowly disappearing "No Takemitchy" Mikey kissed his hand trying to warm him back up. "Why are you crying Mikey-kun? You don't really do that, good thing it's raining right now" Takemichi smiled

"Fuck!!! Where's the ambulance!?!?" Draken said as baji and him are arguing Takemichi vision got blurry "Takemichi please don't close your eyes ok?" Chifuyu smiled as tears called out the opposite "haha it's hard chifuyu, I'm super sleepy" he slurred his words "I know I bet you want to close those heavy eyelids but please don't"

"I don't think I can" Takemichi smiled "I'll watch over you guys, there's no way I'm giving up on all of you even when I'm on death side" he smiled 'this is it' Takemichi thought 'this was the factor, this was my destiny the reason everyone was dying was because I was selfish and wanted to live with them' he smiled wider "Takemitchy!?!?" Inupi and Koko where there only to see fading pink lips and even though it was raining everything was red.

"He..." Mitsuya couldn't believe it "he's dead" he stated "no no no!!! That's not right!!! I know we can bring him back to live!!!" Mikey held Takemichi body rocking it back and forth. "He's dead" draken couldn't believe it "that's not right" baji commented they were in shock until chifuyu let out a cry.

Everyone let out a cry, and when the ambulance arrived they only put him in a bag, everyone was injured and they would never recover.

"Takemichi" Mikey and the whole gang standed there infront of his grave. Mikey made sure Takemichi got his own spot and a place Takemichi liked, a place where Takemichi was the most happiest. "Seems like he really has been keeping an eye on us" Baji put down his flowers

Everyone stood there, eyes empty. "He has given enough" Mikey said "he gave too much" draken commented everyday on that day, they got to express their emotions and it made sense that, that day, was known as 'the day it rained too much'

Thanks for reading
(Tbh kinda booty, I actually couldn't convey the feelings well, the writting wasn't well written and I couldn't put the emotion I wanted in it)
But I hope you liked it take care my luvs ✌️❤️

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