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Noones POV
   "Uh" 'fall in love? They have to stop playing around but most importantly did he find out, did mikey-kun really figure everything out?' Drakens 'mark' made takemichi feel pain as he inhaled and exhaled. Mikey chuckled. "Whats with those stupid clothes?"

   Mikey hoped off from the little place he was on. "I mean your lame and all but this. Its just going overboard." Mikey laughed again.

   "Oh this?" Takemichi was embarrassed "Stop telling me my clothes are lame." Takemichi sighed out. "Ah whatever, its thanks to you that kenchin is still alive. Thank you, takemitchy." mikey offered his hand to takemichi, who took it and shaked it. After a few seconds mikeys eyes traveled to takemichis hair.

   "You should let your hair down more often" mikey stared at takemichis fluffy bleached hair. "Does my hair down make me look better?" Takemichi let go of mikeys hand to touch his hair and inspect it. "Yeah... Its really cute" mikey admired. He got closer to takemichi but something caught his eyes.

   "Where did you get that!" Mikey pulled takemichi towards him, wraping an arm around his waist as he pulled his shirt with the other hand. "Get what?" Takemichi was concerned of himself due to mikeys reaction. "These ugly marks! Who did this to your pale skin?"

   "Oh you mean the bite and... hickeys" takemichi tried to not studder nor blush. 'Well theyre the ones at fault for the hickeys and bite marks. Theres no need for embarrassment, their fault. No need for embarrassment... Aaah what am i thinking!!!? Im a guy who has a girlfriend and plenty of men are teasing me!! Theyre going way too far!' Takemichi covered his face.

   "Dont stared mikey-kun" takemichi turned red. It was quiet, too quiet, painfully quiet. Takemichi felt something poking him. "Uh what the-" takemichi stopped as he saw a tent. "Not again" takemichi sighed out. "Again?" Mikey questioned. "D-draken-kun als-" takemichi was cut off by mikeys hand. "Forget about that damn bastard and only look at me"

   Mikey glared an angry mark clearly visiable, takemichi felt chills. "That bastard did this to you and more?" Mikey questioned. Takemichi didnt answered too embarrassed. Mikey pushed him from the back and slamed takemichi agaisnt the wall, his hand on takemichis head holding it against the wall. "Ill make sure nobody will lay a hand on you." Mikey used his other arm to hold takemichis waist.

   "Wait mikey-kun! I dont want this!" Takemichi tried to push away from the wall he was scared. Mikey loosed his grip "Dont worry, i wont do you, i promise" mikey made takemichi look at him. Mikey smiled to reassure him. 'Uuugh i cant say no, not with that smile!' Takemichi sighed. Mikey pressed behind him and leaned in his ear as he wrapped his hands around takemichi to unbutton his shirt.

   "Ill leave a few marks enough to make you feel pain and think of me and me only~" mikey whispered into takemichi who shivered in dilight. Mikey smirked as he slid off the unbuttoned shirt off takemichis shoulders. "Your cute takemitchy" mikey admired takemichis pale skin and fine back muscles. He slid his finger tips on the soft skin enjoying every shiver takemichi gave.

   He rubbed agaisnt him letting out little grunts of pleasure. 'What am i doing!? I feel good stop stop dont give in' takemichi held tight on the wall. "Takemitchy~ i want to see your face" mikey felt immense pleasure.

   Takemichi looked behind, he felt mikeys memeber get harder. "Shit" mikey was out of breath, he was rubbing faster making takemichi feel pleasure. He leaned in to leave hickeys on his back and neck he played with takemichis chest.

   "Ah mhn" takemichi let out some moans surprising mikey whose member only grew bigger. "Ah mi-mikey-ku-" takemichi was cut off as he was turned around and slammed agaisnt the wall. "Takemitchy, i cant take it anymore, help me feel good, more than i am now" mikey was breathy a blush across his face and eyes filled with lust.

   Takemichi was breathy, "how d-do i-" takemichi was cut off when mikey took off his t-shirt showing his well build body. "If you keep on looking i might just cum" mikey said in takemichis ear. Mikey grabbed takemichis hand and put it agaisnt his chest. "Touch me everywhere" mikey said into takemichis ear. He then looked at takemichi eye to eye as he leaned in.

   He slid his tongue making sure to go slowly, he went as deep as he could sighing into the kiss. 'its getting hot, fuck, do people pull pranks like these!??' Takemichi went crazy. "Stay like that" mikey commanded head on takemichis shoulder. He took out his member. Mikey let out a few grunts as he felt pleasure. '.... No.' Takemichi thought too embarrassed to look down.

   Mikey was getting more breathy. Takemichi stayed still unable to understand whats going on. Mikey picked up his head and headed for takemichis mouth. He put his lips against takemichi, he slid his tongue in. The wet sensation helped with mikeys climax.

   Both let go of eachother, saliva connecting them. Takemichi held out a handkerchief mikey smiled and took it. 'Now that was more than just teasing thats way too far!" Takemichi mentally screamed as

Mikey shivered in pleasure at the thought of takemichis wet sticky tongue licking at the tip of his member.

   Mikey grabbed takemichi and turned him around. Takemichis neck down was filled with 'love marks', is what mikey called them. He bit his neck too high it would be imposiable to hide it. "Ah mikey-kun that hurts." Takemichi slowly turned back putting on his button up. 'Im going crazy!!!' Takemichi cried in the inside. "Your mine" mikey held takemichis hand and squeezed it wanting takemichis attetion.

   Mikey smiled at him, takemichi sighed. "Your crazy" takemichi said, mikey smiled like an idiot that was really happy. He hugged takemichi tight "crazy in love with you" he whispered. 'its fine as long as everyones alive' takemichi smiled and hugged him back. "Im so in love with you" mikey whispered feeling happier than ever.

   Takemichi was walking back home, lost in thoughts. 'aaaah im going crazy i should set boundaries! I have a girlfriend for gods sake. I cant be doing these things.' Takemichi held his head "ow" but let go once he felt pain in his hand. "Im gonna be okay... I think" takemichi inhaled and exhaled.

   'Draken-kun is saved. The mission is complete. Draken-kun, mikey-kun , akkun, they're all safe! I wish i could enjoy this period of time. But, i gotta go back now, goodbye guys' takemichi smiled as he looked at the dirrection the hospital was.

   "Takemichi-kun? You always show up at the weirdest times." Hinata was at the door of her apartment. "Haha sorry sorry. So hey is naoto here?" Takemichi smiled "naoto! Takemichi-kun wants to see you! Wait here a sec." "Ah here hina" takemichi took out a necklace. "This is to make amends for getting you caught up in all that crap. Sorry its cheap" "a four leaf clover? Can i try it on?" Hinata held it up.

   "Sure" he looked away a bit shy. "So how does it look?" Hinata questioned. "Yup lookes great" takemichi smiled. "Sorry for interrupting your flirting" naoto was done with them. "Ah! I-ill leave you two alone i was cleaning up anyways" hinata rushed in embarrassed.

   "Naoto! Lets shake." Takemichi smiled at him. "Eh? You like shaking hands that much, takemichi? W-with me?" Naoto questioned. "Haha I guess, wait... Yeah i like shaking your hand!" Takemichi smiled 'maybe this will make me less suspicious' takemichi thought, not noticing that comment would change the future.

   Naoto blushed and looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. 'He also held my hand during the festival... No no he is my sisters boyfriend! But holding hands wont hurt nobody...' Naoto took out his hand, "sure" he blushed more when takemichi held his hand, with both of his. "Thanks"

Hope you have a sweet day
Take care✌❤

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