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This anime brings depression
Not part of the plot just saw hanma sad

Noones POV
   Hanma standed there in an ally way smoking his cigarette as he stared at the lean man with cute fluffy black hair. He smiled at the customer who walked in. His smile is the sun itself, noone can compare. He remembered that day he was saved by him.

   "How boring" hanma walked around beating up anyone who crossed his path. "Everything is so fucking boring" he said as he knocked someone out and dropped him on the ground. He walked to the nearby park and sat on the bench. "Hey why didnt you text me back!?"

   Hanma looked up at a kid who had his hair pointing up in a school uniform. "Are you the tutor!?" Takemichi asked dropping his homework on the table, he didnt even let hanma answer. "Next time answer me you jerk!" Takemichi opened his folder took out a pencil and got ready.

   "Wait hold on-" hanma was cut off "okay so i need help with these questions" takemichi circled the questions that he struggled on. Hanma, for some odd reason, took the homework and looked at it, he check on the questions takemichi struggled on. He laughed.

   "Bahaha what the fuck!? You circled all of the questions" hanma laughed more at takemichis embarrassed face. "Hey your supposed to be a tutor, im not paying you for you to laugh at my face" takemichi tried to be stern but he was clearly embarrassed. Hanma smirked, 'i guess i could play along, im lucky im good at this'

   "Yeah yeah" hanma turned the paper to takemichi and started to teach. During the process he wondered, 'what in the hell am i doing?' He watched takemichi struggle a bit. And laughed a bit when he was skip counting with his fingers. 'Whatever' hanma sighed out hiding a smiled under his hand.

   "Hey your not that bad at teaching hehe" takemichi rubbed his nose feeling kind of proud he finally understood something. "I forgot to ask for your name, mines takemichi hanagaki what about yours?" Takemichi offered a smile. Hanma took "hanma call me hanma" he returned it back.

   "Heres the pay we agreed on" takemichi took out his hand which held money. "Keep it" hanma turned his back and lit a cigarette and walked away. "What the hell? I guess when i see him next time." Takemichi looked at the money in his hands.

   A month has passed and hanma wants to return to that time he was playing teacher and student with takemichi~ He walked around sat down by a curb and enjoyed the cars passing by. He lit his cigarette, "mind if i sit next to you?" That voice, that voice that cant be mistaken.

   Hanma looked up surprised, "mind if i sit next to you?" Hanma was schocked but shook his head. "Nice" takemichi sat down and opened his bento, hanmas mouth watered. "You know" takemichi chewed on the food "i feel like ive seen you somewhere" he ate his food happily.

   "Is that so" hanma smiled at his way of speaking with his mouth full. "Yeah i feel like ive met you before too" hanma smiled but then a growling sound came out of his stomach. Hanma was a bit embarrassed, "here"

   Takemichi shoved his food to hanma "my mom makes really good food, she told me i should learn how to cook so i made the chicken and eggs and she made the rest" Hanma felt warm, he put out his cigarette and ate the food.

   As he was chewing the food he laughed mouth closed, "why are you laughing? Youll choke you know" takemichi handed him his water bottle. "Haha this is horriable the chicken has no flavor and the eggs are salty as hell" hanma laughed his ass off.

   "Fine. Last time ill ever make something for you" takemichi was pissed. "Haha i will saviour it so dont worry" hanma smiled as he ate the food and drank from the water bottle that takemichis lips touched. "Looks like its getting late, you should go before your family gets worried" takemichi got up and cleaned himself up.

   Hanma cleaned himself too, "you can return the bento again next time ill see you later, bye" takemichi dan off. "That was rushed, what does he mean next time..." Hanma ate the food, he chuckled at remembering takemichi. 'Hes very forgetful, kinda weird too' hanma smiled.

   He lit up his cig and headed to his place. 'Maybe next time' hanma walked home leaving a trail of cigarette smell. Sadly he didnt know what was bound to happen next, the very next day.

   "Drive straight and ill head for his head." Kisaki said, hanma only followed him because he made life a bit more intresting with his scheme but lately he was getting tired of him too. 'Whatever ill do this and drop him' hanma drove the motorcycle.

"Take a right over here at the corner" kisaki comanded and hanma did speeding as hanma closes the gap between him and the target he got a better look, he turned cold as blood splashed on his helmet he stopped. "Kisaki!" Hanma screamed and stopped his motorcycle.

   He ran towards the one who was hit with the pole, "takemichi! Takemichi wake up!!" Hanma rocked his body back and forth "hey takemichi, wake up i still need to return you a favor!" Hanma screamed at him.

   "Oh hey" takemichi sounded weak "you smell familiar" takemichi couldnt really see his eyes felt heavy. "Hey its going to be okay" hanma carried him and ambulance were on their way to them, emma called for them. "Hey stay with me" hanma tried to keep him awake.

   Thats what happened. Ever since takemichi had amnesia, hanma thought it would be best to stay away from him. For takemichis safety but also because he felt very guilty. Its been years and now he is just a loser standing there like a creep always looking at takemichi as he works.

   He blew out the smoke his last cigarette he always had an extra pack i guess he just forgot. "Hey ive seen you quite a lot of times, come inside i could make you warm cup of coffee and pastry" takemichi smiled, gave a spook to hanma 'where did he come from? I swear he was in the shop how did he cross the street without me kn-' hanma snapped out of it.

   Hanma hesitated for a moment, "you know that sounds good right now" hanma smiled "... By the way have we met before? The scent smells similar so familiar" takemichi smelled the air. "I feel like ive met you long time ago too" hanma added. "Well i have seen you stand here for more than months its like if your dedicated to it" takemichi smiled.

   "If its bad for-" "no no no your not disturbing business im just wondering when youll buy something from my cafe the food i made is good" takemichi smiled wide. Hanma teared up, 'he learned how to cook' he had a sad smile.

   "Ill come by everyday, takemichi so dont forget me okay?" Hanma hugged him tight, takemichi was confused and had lots of question but he didnt want to ruin this moment. This moment felt special somehow.

   "Haha everything will be okay. Dont go away because i have a feeling youll never return" takemichi said letting go of the hug smiling as hanma smiled back. "I dont plan to do that anymore, you dont go anywhere either because youll never return i know" hanma said "i dont plan on doing that" hanma let go of his last cigarette.

Idk what i wrote but there it is.
Take care

(1/12/24 reread it kinda good ngl)

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