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Sorry got a little depressed⬇

Noones POV
   "Naoto, morning" takemichi came in "take a seat" naoto lead him to his room. "Takemichi-kun, is something the matter?" Naoto asked concerned as he saw how takemichi seemed quite tired. "Was i close to hanma?" Takemichi asked the biggest question on his mind. Maybe the second biggest as the first was 'whats causing all this commotion?'

   "No not at all." Naoto was firm. 'what the hell whys a dangerous person like him on takemichis mind?' He furrowed his eyes furious and yet worried. "He told me he would buy everything i need and take good care of me and everyone i loved if i were to runaway to a secluded area" takemichi was too naïve to understand what he just said.

   "... He what!? No takemichi-kun stay with me ill take care of you. You dont need him! H-hes dangerous! Y-yeah he is very dangerous you are better off with me than him. Better safe with me than him. Im better too." Naoto waved his arms like crazy only confusing him more to the point he laughed.

   "What in the hell? Haha what are you saying naoto. You sound like a lover 'your better off with me than him'" takemichi mimic his voice as he pulled some hair to the front to make it appear as naoto. "Hahaha you know that im not staying here" takemichi only made fun as naoto covered his face with one hand in embarrassment.

   Takemichi sighed "but in all honesty its best if i became toumans leader." It was quiet. Naoto laughed "you were for real? I thought you tried to comfort me haha" he laughed more but stopped as soon as he heard sniffles. "H-hey i was kidding, i think its a good idea" he tried his best to wipe away his tears.

   "No no your right, its not really that. Its just, i- i just cant understand I keep on trying to save hina but she always die. Im scared that now that ive got involved in this, ill lose more people who i love, what if in the future i cant just save hina, but ill lose draken-kun, mikey-kun, what about everyone else?" takemichi tried to wipe off the tears that kept falling down. "Takemichi." Naoto hold his head to look towards him.

   "Everything will be okay. Because i know you arent the type to give up" naoto kiss his forehead. "You wont lose anyone, i know you wont." Naoto smiled for him. Takemichi hiccuped and hugged naoto tight. "Thank you Naoto" takemichi whispered into him. "Dont worry too much, because in the end everything will be okay"

   After a good moment pressed upon eachother, naoto let go feeling like he might heat up. He looked at takemichi, and he burst out in laughter. "Haha takemichi-kun your ugly when you cry hahaha" he laughed more. "Hey! Dont make fun of me!" Takemichi was embarrassed.

   Naoto couldnt keep his eyes away from him. He just had to admire the flush across his face that could only make his eyes and lips glossier. Naoto cleared his throat, "are you ready" he asked looking away. "Yeah!" Takemichi seemed better, naoto smiled at that.

   "Then lets shake on it" naoto held out his hand takemichi held it tight "thank you naoto!" Takemichi smiled wide naoto blushed, 'if the future does change, i want to take advantage of this moment right now.' Naoto thought as he opened his mouth. "i- i love y" he was cut off as takemichi time leaped to the past. 'i couldnt hear him right' he thought as he opened his eyes.

   The place was white and warm, takemichi noted. "Huh?" He was confused. "Boo" mikey shouted "Ah!?" Takemichi was frightened. "Haha were you actually that surprised" mikey lean in closer to takemichi. "Hey! Watch it, were in public and while your at it pipe down, stop screwing around your acting like kids"

   Takemichi looked over at draken he was using a shampoo hat. "Your a 3rd year in middle school and still using a shampoo hat. Dont tell me to grow up" mikey retorted. 'Why am i in a bath house with these two?' Takemichi wondered.

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