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Noones POV
'Hehe im having a date with hina' takemitchi thought as he was sitting in his desk. "Aaah" "oh no!" Takemichis thoughts were interrupted by some noise outside. 'What the hell is found on?' "Oh here he is!" Mikey smiled looking straight at him.

   'Is he looking at me?' "Let's go play Takemitchy!" Takemichi seemed scare, he got up and started to walk towards them. He walked out just to find all the 3rd years beat up on the floor.

   "Everyone line up, on your stomachs" Draken said as all the 3rd years did as told lining up and laying on the ground. "What happened?" Takemitchi asked "i didnt like them so i beat them up" he said "Oh."

   They were stepping on all the 3rd years theyve beaten up. Crowds were following to gosip and investigate what is going on. Draken wrapped his arm around takemichi. "Hey you feeling okay?" Draken asked concered.

   "Hahaha yeah its just why did you guys come during class hours and then theres people talking and staring" "Forget about them Takemitchy" Mikey smiled coming closer.

   "There's no need to be so scared, you can be comfortable with me. And then we can go and hangout" Takemichi hesitated though he spit out "I c-cant come with you guys today, i have a d-date with my girlfriend" takemichi said.

   "Girlfriend!?" Both draken and mikey stopped walking and looked at him. "Y-yeah" he said standing there "well say bye to her cuz you belong to me now" draken said grabbing takemichi's chin to face him. "No! Takemitchy is mine!" Mikey said having a tantrum. "Hold it right there" Hina came walking up to Mikey. And slapped him...

   "Dont bully takemichi!" She said to him "w-what? Hina he isnt bulling me" takemichi said as she turned around and looked at him. "His not?" She asked "no he isnt" he responded. Hina slowly turned around to see mikey. "IM SO SORRY!" She bowed to him.

   "Are you his girlfriend?" Mikey asked. "Yes!" She said straightening up. "Well he is mine now" mikey said walking up to takemichi and kissed his cheek kisses down his jaw towards the lips. Once landing a kiss on his lips he grabbed takemichtis face and entered his tongue.

   "Mmm" takemitchi was paralyzed, "Oi mikey let go, he likes me better" draken said pulling takemitchi away from him. He picked up takemitchi and made his legs wrap around his waist. He pushed him agaisnt the wall making takemitchi hit his head and in pain he could feel draken's tongue enter his mouth.

   He was being awfully gentle exploring and he gently gripped takemichi's waist. The wall and draken was what kept him from falling. The kiss was great, so great he was lost in confusion and pleasure. "Mmm... wai-t" takemitchi said in between kisses, draken stopped.

   He pulled away a string of saliva connecting them. "Mmm~? Why? do you know how hot youre looking right now?" Draken said slowly putting him down. "Your so cute Mitchy~" and as barely noticing what happen takemitchi pushed draken away.

    "Hina im sorry!" He bowed to her. Everyone was confused. Fist tachibana Hinata slapped the one and only invincible mikey who kissed takemitchi and draken had a heated moment in front of the whole school.

"Hahah" hina laughed. "Thats okay as long as its no other girls its fine. I dont mind if you have a gay relantionship. Forget about our date go have fun with them" she said as everyone and she were returning to class she looked at draken and mikey. "Take care of him and treat him right" she said giving them a dumbs up and they nodded.

   "Wait hina your not going to let them do whatever they want with me. . . right?" She smiled and walked back to class. "Come Takemitchy lets hang out~" mikey said. "Mitchy~ maybe we'll have more heated moments, you liked it didnt you~?" Both of them asked grabbing takemitchi from the wrist taking him away. 'Nooo! Were did i go wrong!?' He thought as he was being dragged away.

   "Where are we going?" He asked. "We'll be riding around" mikey said. "Here ride the bike ill be in the back" mikey said and takemitchi did as told. Takemitchi got on and so did mikey as takemitchi started to ride Mikey leaned his whole body onto him and wrapped his hands around his waist. Mikey buried his head into the back of takemichis neck. "Mikey-kun why were you pleased with me?" Takemichi asked.

   "I guess it's cuz you remind me of my older brother." He paused remembering the old times "he would fight others much stronger than him" he smiled "he sounds cool, I don't think that's actually me" "yeah he wasn't as lame as you" "ack, that's just mean" Takemichi saddened.

   "I'm right though" Mikey leaned closer as takemichi tried not to laugh. "Hey why are you laughing?" Mikey asked "im sorry its just if you keep on talking into my neck like that it tickles me" he said in between giggles. "So your neck is sensitive?" He said into his neck. "W-wait mikey-kun if you continue we'll fall off the bike" he said as mikey kept on talking.

    Eventually they fell. "Oi you idiots calm down" Draken stopped his bike. "Owww that hurt" takemitchi said mikey smiled wide for him and kissed his head. They both got up and enjoyed the scenery.

   "I want you in my gang, Touman is strong and has 100 people, I want an era for delinquents everyone looking out for one another" he said and then looked at takemitchi "you should accompany me on my journey, i was pleased by you hanagaki takemichi" mikey said walking up to him and kissed his lips. "Think about it takemitchi" draken said smiling and kissed his cheek.

    He was walking to hinata's apartment, to go study. Eventually they headed out onto the roof to see the fireworks, theres still so much to do. Takemichi had this anxious pre-feelings about the future.

   About the pass and how this moment will be gone. He took in a breath and let it out. He decided to be in the present to enjoy this moment, this beautiful peaceful moment. The one where he sees hinata enjoy the fire works which he grabbed her hand and then noticed it wasnt her hand.

I hope u have a great day
Take care, lots of love

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