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Noones POV
   As soon as the fight started, takemichi walked around in hopes of finding draken. As mikey was taking care of peh. Takemichi found kiyomasa. 'There, i found him. Now i just need to sto-" takemichis thoughts were cut off as he saw blood dripping from the knife kiyomasa held.

   He looked behind, "draken-kun!" Takemichi ran to him. "Draken-kun!" He was loud enough for mikey to hear his cry. "Whats the matter takemitchy?" Mikey asked as he dodged hits coming right left front and back.

   "Draken-kun was stabbed!" Takemichi worried.

   "Move out of the way!" Mikey tried to pass through the crowd of people aiming at him. Just to be put down by hanma. "Found ya, mikey" hanma smiled like a maniac.

   'Its over. Its over! Draken-kun is dead!' Takemichi was holding his chest he felt dizzy, nauseous, useless. "Takemitchy!" Mikey screamed wondering about drakens cold body laying on the ground as he fought hanma.

   Draken coughed out blood.

   "Mikey-kun, he's alive!" Takemichi screamed relief, "take care of kenchin!" Mikey said still putting up a good fight. "Now now~ you shouldnt let the cutie do such a thing. The guys bigger compared to his cute body" hanma smiled as he blocked the kicks. "Dont talk about takemitchy!" Mikey threw a punch that hand hanma on the ground for a minute.

   "Look." Hanma stated getting up, "i know he's your bitch, or at least for now he is, but dont get so riled up. Im only saying the truth, not to mention he looks delicio-" he was cut off by another kick.

   "Okay" takemichi inhaled "i can do this" he exhaled. He picked up draken, who was slowly regaining conscious.

   He coughed. "Draken-kun!" Takemichi was surprised as draken wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "Mm its nice to wake up in the embrace of my lover" draken whispered. "You cant be fooling around! Just save your breath ill carry you to the hospital if i have to!" Takemichi has a stronger grip and kept on dragging his feet.

   "Ya know, i dont mind dying this way" draken smiled. "Its nice to know i was loved so much you would carry me all the way to the hospital. Your bodys probably screaming for help right?" Draken laughed a bit, but quickly shut up after he felt the pain.

   "Draken-kun dont say that, youll be just fine. I promise, i know you will" takemichi kept going. Draken smiled "how could you say such a thing while crying like the baby you are" he buried his head in takemichis neck.

   "The idea that youll be gone terrifies me" takemichi sniffled his cries.

   Draken kissed takemichi on his neck. "Shouldnt you be the one to comfort me?" Draken laughed, but stopped once again the pain hurt. Takemichi laughed "takemichi-kun!" Hinata followed from behind. "Hina? Emma-chan?" Takemichi was surprised.

   "I called the ambulance, they said to wait here" hinata informed. "How is he?" Emma asked as draken was put down. "Well you can ask him" takemichi presented a conscious draken. Draken smiled "im good" then made takemichi to sit down, and he layed on his lap.

   "But why did you girls have to come? Me and takemicchi were having a moment, in fact, we were about to make out as my last request" draken smiled as he felt more relaxed being stroked by takemichi.

   "Ugh dont say that, but the ambulance is taking a while" takemichi nodded at emmas statement. "Its because the festivel, the rain, and how packed everything is" hinata said looking around. "Well either way we called the ambulance be grateful you dumb nut!" Emma said frustrated. Takemichi and hinata laughed.

   But that was soon over as a group started to appear infront of them."seriously?" Takemichi said tiredly.

   Takemichi helped draken to sit up. He got up and started to walk towards them. But was pulled. "Dont. Thank you, takemicchi. I appreciate everything youve done so far. Take hina-chan and emma with you and run. Ill take care of this." Draken didnt want takemichi to fight them, especially not alone. "Im fine, go" draken reassured.

   "Run?" 'I was scared, but i cant go back! I cant let that future come.' Takemichis hand turned into a fist. "Aaaaah!!!" He let out a battle cry. "Im fucking pathetic." Takemichi wiped his tears away. "Thanks for giving me courage, draken-kun" takemichi smiled at him 'dumbass i want you to be safe, it wasnt meant to encourage you' draken sighed but smiled.

   'If i run now. Everything will be over.' Takemichi walked up to scary group of delinquents. "You wanna die shithead?" Kiyomasa glared down. "Sure you dont wanna runaway moron-michi?" Another said making everyone laugh. "I wont run away. This time, i wont run away anymore. For everything that happened in my life"

   "...this is my revenge" he smiled at them sending a cold shiver down their spines.

   'Damn... did i fall for him again?' Draken tried to control his breathing. 'Taking my breath away just you wait' draken put his palm on his chest making sure to breath in and out. "Kiyomasa. We still havent settled it" takemichi got closer to a confused kiyomasa. "That one-on-one underground fight" takemichi glared at him.

   "Haha no matter how you look at it, its your darn lost" one said. "I didnt lose" kiyomasa was pissed. "Oh? Then i bet 100 million yen on my takemicchi!" Draken smiled. "Me too! 100 mil on takemichi-kun!" Hinata followed. "Then i bet 300 million yen on takemichi-kun!" Emma screamed.

   "Ha these guys lost their fucking minds!" Kiyomasa laughed with his little gang. "No we didn't, takemicchi will win" draken grinned. "Lets go!" Takemichi threw the first punch. Just to be surprised.

   He felt cold metal pierce through his hand. For a moment all he saw was red, it hurt like a bitch. "Aagh!" He let out a cry in pain. "Takemicchi!" Draken got up fast worried showed on his face,  though he fell back down. "Takemichi-kun!" Hinata worried. Kiyomasa slowly walked closer to him. "This aint no one-on-one, this is a fucking execution" he laughed. Everyone else did the same. No matter how hard it rain, no matter how loud he screamed.

   The laughs taunted him.

   'I planned on running the country, with 4 of my friends. That was soon crushed. I always blamed kiyomasa. But no its all my fault' takemichi hold the handle of the knife. 'Its my fault for never standing back up when i was down!' "Aaaugh!!" Takemichi screamed pulling the knife out of his hand and throwing it to the ground.

   The blood on the knife was washed away by the rain, the blood faded into the cracks of the concrete. No longer to be found.

   Takemichi ran towards kiyomasa and hold tight onto him. "Let go bastard!" Kiyomasa punched him. 'Damn it hurts!' Takemichi held in his tear. 'Dirty or not as long as they are safe everything is okay!' He bit kiyomasa. "Ow!" "He bit him" "now thats just shameful hanagaki" "Are you a kindergartener?" They all made fun. "Let go of me fuckface!"

   Just as he requested takemichi let go. He dodged every punch coming his way and crawled from behind and chocked him. ""It doesnt matter if i can be Mikey-kun" takemichi gripped harder "im hanagaki takemichi!!!" Hinata cried tears of joy. "Yeah! Thats my man! Keep a strong grip takemicchi, hold on and dont let go!" Draken cheered. "Aaargh!" Takemichi gripped harder until kiyomasa fell backwards.

   "Hahaha did i win!?" Takemichi smiled "hell yeah you did" draken smiled. "Takemichi-kun!" Hinata ran towards him "Dont come close hina!" Takemichi pushed kiyomasa off him. 'Hows that for guts, naoto?' Takemichi smiled 'but sorry ive failed the mission' takemichi looked at the rest of the gang that is slowly walking up to him.

   "You satified?" A guy picked up kiyomasas knife, cleaned but soon to be dirty again. "Man, kiyomasa you suck" another complained. "Considering you have a gift of making dudes fall for you. Youll make a great gift for the underground world. Prostitute maybe even a higher up personal prostitute. Dont worry youll get by" he smiled "tch, that aint ever happening, you gon need to take down a whole gang to get to takemicchi" draken got up.

   "No i dont, hes literally here" they laughed. "Hina take ema-chan and run" takemichi smiled to reassure her. "We'll handle it somehow so please" hinata held in her tears and dragged emma away. "Draken-kun" draken looked at takemichi. "What do you think heavens like?"

   "Hahaha bitch your going to hell" he put his hand on the stab. "I havent done anything bad" takemichi sighed "you know how embarrassing ill be when my grave says 'died by trying to save someone, just to find out that someone died too'" they both laughed. "Haha you chose the worst times to make jokes." Draken used takemichis shoulder to lean a bit. "So how are you?" Draken asked. "Im doing good and you?"

   "If your good then im feeling better" draken smiled. "Shall we get this over with?" Draken picked up takemichis hand and kissed it. "Yeah" takemichi let out an exhausted sigh and smiled at draken.

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