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Times has passed and it's the day of Y/n and Hyunjin's wedding day.
All of the people from different kingdom has attended the special day of the prince and the princess. They are gathering in the celestial palace's hall sending wishes to the king and Queen and the Prince who is the groom for today.



"Finally the day has come, congratulations"

The Prince and his parents were busy welcoming the guests. Once everyone has arrived the bell began to rang in beautiful melody along with the beautiful rainbow bird flying around the sky chirping happily.

The wedding has begin.


When I'm still busy with my make up, the bell just rang and the wedding is started. I start feeling nervous and Jane just put the last accessories on my hair then help me to stand.

"Quick! You have to go there now , the wedding is starting" Jane rush me and help me to put the cover on my head.

We run out from my dressing room and all the run to the hall where the wedding were held at.

Just when I was on my way, I've definitely left Jane behind doesn't have time to wait for her, I turn to the left corner almost reach the hall and I got hit on the back of my head by someone. Just when I want to take a look... my vision has become black and I'm fainting on the ground.

"Quick! Drag her in the room and lock her up"

I heard their conversation but couldn't open my eyes and I could feel that I've been drag to somewhere until got threw and fall on the wet ground.

The door got shut and a chain sounds appear then a click sound, it's like somebody is locking me in somewhere else...


Hyunjin POV.
15 minutes has passed and Y/n still hasn't shown up. I start getting worried and nervous as the guests begin to gossip at the guests seat.

"Why isn't she here yet?"

I thought and bout to go look for her then the guard outside there announced.

"The bride is here!!"

I relieve and take my step towards the bride to pick her up.
I held the red ribbon that she were holding and bringing her along with me to bow at the heaven and earth.

I held the red ribbon that she were holding and bringing her along with me to bow at the heaven and earth

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"First bow to the heaven and earth" said the woman of the matchmaker.

We bow to the heaven and earth.

"Second bow to the parents"

We bow to my parents.

"Third bow to husband and wife"
The woman finished, we begin to face each other and bow at each other to show our respects and cherish as a lover.

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