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Celestial Kingdom.

All of the people of celestial kingdom is gather in the hall having a meeting with the King.

"Nowadays, the demons and my Celestial Clan are considered to be peaceful, and I hope that the world will always be peaceful..."

"May the world be peaceful forever"

They have a toast and drink the wine while feeling happy ever since the demon clan has finally giving up on having war with the celestial clan after the lord of the dark kingdom has been sealed in the ice valley...

Today's Demon Lord is the child of the first Demon Lord. He is now leading the dark kingdom as the new lord of the demon king.

"I ask you all for a forgiven for what my father has done over the years to the celestial world... I'll promise to make sure there will be no war between demon and celestial, hope the world will be always peaceful" said the new demon lord.

Everyone is enjoying themselves on celebrating the day of peaceful day between the celestial and demon world.

The king look at the empty seat where Hyunjin supposed to be at there and he look at his immortal guard.

"Where's Hyunjin?"

"His royal highness hasn't come home yet"

"Hmm...he is not present on such a big festival, is he still considered a prince of the Celestial Clan or not" the king said "I know he is still upset bout the death of that woman but it's already past for many years he should stay strong and be the good prince to the people of the celestial could he just—"

"His royal Highness is here"
The king hasn't finish his words, the immortal guard shout from the outside to report the guest who just arrived.

Hyunjun walk in the hall and everyone begin to stand up greeting his royal Highness.

"Greeting your royal Highness"

Hyunjun bow at his father to greet him "Greeting father, sorry that I'm late...I have important business to do so delayed the hour, please forgive me, father"

The king look at him "It's ok...please have a sit son"

"Thanks, Father" Hyunjun bow then went to his seat and sit down.


Y/n Pov.

If not because of Doyun I won't follow them to celestial kingdom.

I been take to the prince palace after arrived at the celestial kingdom.

"You just stay here til I comeback from the meeting... I'll leave Doyun to you to take care"

"Don't worry, after you comeback from meeting I'll leave immediately, you know that I don't—"

"I know... I'll let you go before anyone saw you"

"Mother don't wanna stay here with us?" Doyun look at me.

I just smile and pat his head "As I said...I have important things to do too so...please understand mother alright?"

"Uhm alright mother" Doyun smile.

"I'll take my leave now...take care of him"

"Uhm" I nod then Hyunjin leave as soon we finish our conversation.

I look around the palace then look at Doyun "uhm... let's go over there" I point at the yard.

Doyun nod then we run towards there and having fun by playing catching.

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