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Hyunjin POV

After finally finish a week thunder punishment, I went back to celestial kingdom as soon I leave the thunder valley.

I just walk slowly back to the celestial kingdom by myself, I felt something were coming then I just spit out blood. The strike of the thunder is really painful til I almost hurt my soul just as what the old man told me.

After settle down myself from vomiting blood again, I continue take my step walking back to celestial kingdom.

Just when I arrived, I enter in to my own palace by teleporting with half of my mana that were left in me. I literally just fall down due to unbalancing, my personal guard quickly hold me from falling to ground.

"Your royal Highness"

"I'll bring the doctor to you—"

I wave my hand and stand up with the help from him "I'm fine...just need to rest... it'll be fine after rest"

"Let me take you to your bedroom" He then bring me in to my bedroom and lay me down on the bed gently.

"If you need anything just call me, I'll come right up for you"

I just nod and look at him "remember, do not let anybody know my visitors til I'm fully healed"

"Yes, your royal highness"

"One more...don't tell her either, I don't want her to get worried bout me...if she look for me tell her that I got official duty so I can't visit her..." I said.

"Yes, sir... I'll take my leave now as you need to rest"

I nodded then he take his leave and I just close my eyes taking my rest after a week of punishment, I felt much more weaker than before it's like I'm not myself anymore...


A month later.
The days in celestial kingdom is still as peacefully as before unlike the dark kingdom who is suffering from their life.

The people in the dark kingdom is suffering from hunger, their kingdom doesn't have much food to feed their people as they have lost so much during the war every year.

"Your majesty, half of the people of the abyss land is starting to moved out, what should we do?" The guard of the dark kingdom report to his king.

"Just let them be! Whoever did the same things as them here I'll take you as a traitor!" The king shouted and look at the general.

"You! Bring your team and kill the people who is moving out here"

"Yes your majesty" he bow and begin to take his actions bringing his mens moving to do their task that their king gave.

The king feel so irritable as he is getting worried of losing his people even worried about how would they survive their life in such a poor condition.

"In my opinion...I think you have to give up about your thought"
A man suddenly appear Infront of them make the soldiers make a ready pose to protect their king from the man who suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"Daehyun why are you here?!"

The man who named Daehyun just smile and fanning himself with the paper fan gently as he was standing at the center of the hall cooly while looking at the demon king.

"Heh, to here asking you to give up and take refuge in the celestial kingdom, so you all won't end up living such poor life"

"That not gonna happen! As a demon king of the dark kingdom I will not take refuge in the celestial kingdom!"

"Look at your people...and look at your you really want to continue the war between the heaven and hell? If you stop it now... I'm sure all of you will have better life than before"

"Don't think about it! I'm not gonna get brain washed by you!" The king said and commend the army to attack him.

The fight has begin in the dark palace. Daehyun literally fight with more than 50 soldiers.
He just put his mana on his paper fan and fan at the soldiers make a huge wind til the soldiers who is surrounding him is been blew by such big wind and fall on the ground with their weapon.

"Eish- you should really know how to talk well with your visitor...Demon king..." Daehyun fix his clothes and look at the demon king.

"Kill him!"

"Not again? You have already left 5 soldiers and you not giving up on fight with me?"

"Then I'll fight with you! Take this!" The demon king begin to jump fly from his throne along with his axe looking weapon.

The fight between Daehyun and the demon king is now begin.


Y/n Pov

I'm thinking of getting some fresh air since that I felt so boring to stay in my chamber's starting to feel like I'm in the prison that always been lock in the chamber.

Since that I've been released from banning me to step out from my chamber, Nana and I are walking around the Lotus pond. Having to smell the scent of the lotus and seeing such a beautiful view of the pond make me feel so relaxed and literally just forget all of the problem that I have from Sharon.

Walk past the pond, we've now at unfamiliar places where there's no one around here to guard on. But the atmosphere of this place is so weird and it's doesn't feel right for me.

"My lady...we should leave this place before people caught us" Nana said while look at me with worried look.

"What is this place Nana? Why do I feel uneasy bout this place?" I ask while looking at her.

"I-its a... ominous place my lady...the place where we all we get weak by the energy of the black hole up there..." She point at the place where got long stair to go up.

I start feeling headache with the big energy coming from that place then I hold Nana hand "let's get out of here..." I said and we left the place immediately before the energy suck out all of our mana.

Just when we're on our back to the chamber, we bump into Yongbok who just come out from Hyunjin's palace.
He greet me once we meet.

"Your highness"

I just bow and look at him "why are you doing at Hyunjin palace?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah— that uhm... nothing just talk about official business" He smile and look at me.

"You alright? You look so pale" he point at me.

I touch my face and he spoke again "you need to rest or else hyung will get worried of you again..."

"I'm fine don't worry ask him to not worry bout me... I'll take care of myself well" I said then bow and take my leave with Nana.

Talk about him, I felt upset cause he never visit me every since after he went to somewhere else and even that he has already back to his chamber but he didn't think of visiting me...
Do he really care bout me or just...

Fine, maybe he just have lots of work to do that's why... I should not always to just hoping him to keep visiting me if like that...I don't think there might have good things to happen since that I'm just a low class lady in this kingdom...

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